The Bible records revivals where great numbers
of people turned to God. Each revival was characterized by a leader who
recognized his nations’ spiritual decay.
In each case the leader took action, was not afraid and followed God’s
It is apparent our nation is under siege. If you’re
considered a leader in one of the resource sectors under attack; health care,
production agriculture, education, energy you know something is wrong.
You might be in the health care profession and have the task
of “navigating” Obama Care. You may be
forced to make decisions to terminate a patient’s prescription drug or forced to make the call to proceed with lifesaving treatments or pull the plug.
If you’re a teacher you are finding yourself forced to usher
in Common Core curriculum you know is damaging your students and our nation’s
future. Maybe you’re a professor sharing
radical progressive teachings in colleges or universities and you’ve suddenly
realized what’s going on…God is nowhere to be found on campus.
Maybe you’re an industry leader, staff member or director in
production agriculture and have suddenly realized that the programs you have
implemented and the individuals you’ve aligned yourself with are not really
friends of ag after all, they’re there to destroy it.
Maybe you’re in a government position that is facilitating
programs you know are designed to expand regulations, implement agendas that
will incrementally destroy private property rights and producer’s ability to
produce. Or you might be a governor or
elected official who has known from the beginning the plans being implemented
and have “gone along to get along”. Maybe you didn’t realize, and have now
found yourself in the middle.
Maybe you’re not in the resource side of the attacks at all but
have found yourself in the propaganda arm and know you are aiding the enemy by promulgating a Communist/Marxist/radical Islamic based
agenda. You might be an ag journalist who woke up and realized you’re
the water-boy or girl for the “sustainable” hoax, or advancing fear of farming
and a global meltdown crisis.
You must stop today and make plans to turn America around.
Our culture is being destroyed and if
you continue to promote these ideas and agendas you are part of the machine
designed to destroy us from within. You are the problem.
This is not a conspiracy; it is not radical thinking it is
happening under our noses. Today you must take a firm stand against it. If you
refuse and choose the route of escapism burying your head in the sand, Thunder, Sooners, fishing or Kardashians you are guaranteeing your kids and grandkids
will be slaves. You are aiding the enemy in instituting their plan in America. Do nothing and they win. Your children loose.
This is more than Agenda 21. The chart that took me two
years to compile is only a sliver of what is taking place. It is a part of the destruction, but only a
part, Trevor Loudon pointed that out to me last week. This is subversion of our culture, our
values; our nation.
And what is
subversion? It is turning nature’s
hierarchy, the natural order of things, upside down. Animals become more
important than people, kids are smarter than adults; wrong is right. It has incrementally been used to rot
American values removing God from our schools - government –society and
replacing him with political correctness and tolerance. It is destroying U.S businesses and
production agriculture (our food supply) by burdening American capitalists and
producers with growing rules and regulations to appease the “subverters”. The madness must be stopped, the evil
destroyed and eradicated.
We need leaders, leaders who will stand up against the
attacks at the local and state levels. Those leaders will come from the ground,
from grassroots individuals who are willing to lead.
We also need national
leaders that must be put into place to lead this nation in 2016. They are Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin,
Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, David Barton, Jim Bridenstine, and a host of other true
conservatives who can change a nation’s course.
We must get behind these individuals in whatever capacity they are
willing to serve. A reminder about
supporting individuals who “go along to get along”; victory has never been
achieved under the guidance of “enemy collaborating leaders”…study the outcome
of the nation’s leaders who collaborated with Hitler. Victory has been achieved
through leadership by brave, courageous, persistent God fearing men and women
taking a stand. You can today read stories of Bible heroes who took a stand, revived nations
and changed the course of their people’s future.
Moses: Exodus 32,33
Samuel: 1 Samuel 7:2-13
David: 2 Samuel 6
Jehoshaphat 2 Chronicles 20
Hezekiah 2 Chronicles 29-31
Josiah 2 Chronicles 34, 35
Ezra Ezra 9, 10;
Haggai 1
Nehemiah (with Ezra) Nehemiah 8-10
These men were ordinary men, some had wives (lots of them in
some instances), kids, jobs, families to take care of. They had their everyday problems just like
you and I, but God gave them a job , a mission, a task to save a nation and
with his help (and a host of angels as you’ll read in some of these stories)
they finished those jobs.
Why not take your Bible today and read about these leaders. God has put you in a specific place to make a
difference. Reviving America is your
job, you’re mission, your task.
P-R-A-Y-E-R-S is a list of things you can do today to start securing
your children and grandchildren's future Christian heritage and nation.
1. PRAY These leaders first and foremost prayed for
guidance and protection and that should always be first on our list. They put
their total trust in God and his protection.
They were not afraid.
2. RECOGNIZE the enemy.
This enemy is getting easier to recognize and it's becoming easier to
expose them; they are the one's straddling the fence, making deals with the
subverters, advancing the enemy's message and agenda- they are aiding the
enemy's infiltration. You must stand up
against this, call out organizations, individuals, groups, government officials
who are allowing this evil communistic, radical Islamic culture into our
schools, businesses, culture etc.
3. ALIGN yourself with others taking a stand. Join other growing groups such as Freedom
Works a truly conservative organization, tune into The Blaze, Glenn Beck's this
source is actually the only media telling the complete truth, if they get it
wrong they say so, back up and try again, there is no hidden agenda or lurking
sponsors driving their agenda, Mark
Levin promotes the Tea Party and has several great books out- he's
a true patriot, Michelle Bachman tries hard to stand up (the mainstream media
which is now controlled by the enemy has tried to destroy her and also Sarah
Palin, but they are coming back and I imagine it will be with great
force). Each of you have those in your
state who you know are true conservatives; promote them at the grassroots
level. A group in our county is Sons and Daughters of Liberty which each
month invites well known speakers in to share their knowledge. This is how I
met Trevor Loudon, three of our counties went together, Garfield, Major and
Dewey and hosted him. It was his speech that opened my eyes wider. We have also
hosted Jonathan Small from the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, and several
other great speakers, representatives and senators.
4. YELL loudly. Speak
to your local school board about the dangers of Common Core or invite speakers
and experts in to share their knowledge to your community. This is being done next week at Watonga,
Oklahoma. Jenni White will speak. Linda Murphy is another expert on Common
5. EDUCATE low
informed voters and show them the devastation that will result when dictators
(Communistic, Marxist, Fascists, radical Islam) are allowed control. We must share history with them and show them
how the government works. If you don’t
know start at home teaching your family.
David Barton is your expert on this, he is on Glenn Beck and travels the
U.S. teaching the constitution (we heard him speak this summer in OKC). After you’re educated hit the road and YELL.
6. REGISTER voters. We have three years and only three years
to change course. We must make sure our citizens
are registered to vote. Get them to the
voting precincts in 2016 and turn this nation back over to God.
7. SMILE God is on our side…he’s always helped leaders who
will help themselves, he loves it that we are fighting for Him and he will
protect us. Give Him the glory, keep
praying, keep plugging and he’ll do the rest!
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