Thursday, September 5, 2019

My Book...a teaser


        Venomous Vague Verbiage                     
  Everybody loves a cowboy, they love their horses and hats, their chaps, their boots and spurs. Rugged and strong they represent American tenacity. Most people forget that these legendary cowboys have been brave protectors of our food supply, our cattle herds. Today they and their counterparts, America’s farmers and ranchers, are on an endangered list.  Threatening their existence are terms such as globalism, sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line, third party audits, mandatory RFID and vertical Integration. These words hold pliable destructive definitions that unleash a Pandora’s Box of foreign policy and regulations forcing them upon our farms.  America’s cattlemen have for centuries provided the nation and world with an abundant supply of safe beef, a vast supply of valuable medical and industrial products, and communities with vibrant businesses and thriving economies.  All of this is being destroyed by nice sounding words that threaten their private property rights and the freedom to farm and ranch and raise their herds the way they see fit. These terms threaten the fiber of rural America and her national community structure, they destroy tax bases and the future of her schools, her hospitals, her small businesses. Much of America’s infrastructure was built around our cattle herds, today it is at stake, those that helped lay the building blocks of rural America, our cowboys, our cattle producers, our farmers and ranchers may soon be only a memory, a story in a book.  America’s food producers; our cowboys, our farmers and ranchers and their property rights must be protected from extinction.

                                 A Witness
This story is an account of what I have witnessed while serving in various local, state and national leadership positions: offices and boards within the beef, cattle and agriculture industries over the past decade.  It has been my personal experiences witnessing trusted Ag groups and fellow agriculturalist hold hands with those advancing a socialist/fascist style path for all of us to travel.  The path they have decided to herd us down drives damaging policy upon all American producers stripping century’s old freedoms and liberties from our hands placing it in the hands of a chosen few who have positioned themselves to partake in lucrative profits at the expense of their fellow producers. I’m not an expert, I’m a fifth generation ranch woman striving to protect my family’s 126 year old ranch from extinction and educate fellow ranchers and the public about threats our nation faces if we lose our American ranches and farms, and ways we as a country can stop these terrorists attacks against our food supply, against our nation’s food producers.

                          How to Build a Century old Ranch
Leaving his home in Haven, Kansas my great grandfather, Oscar Chain, made the Cherokee Strip Run. He was too young to file a claim and was forced to head back to his Kansas farmstead where his folks, 9 brothers and one sister would welcome him back home.  But only for a while, as he would later return to his Oklahoma Territory dream and trade a shot gun and fifty dollars for the 160 acres my family calls home. That was 1893. To this initial 160 acres, more acreages have been acquired.  Today our family operates ranches in Oklahoma and Kansas.  Most family members work on the ranch with the help of great employees, many having been with us for decades, as once they come to work for us, they usually stay and become like family.  We believe that God gives us our rights and that we are caretakers of His animals and land. Today my family works to hold my grandad’s dream together. Foreign influences, regulatory overreach, market manipulation, the repeal of Country of Origin labeling which has stripped competition and our ability to differentiate our U.S. beef from foreign imports as foreign beef is now allowed a Product of US label.  These are all issues we battle each and every day, issues that would be foreign to Grandad Oscar. Determination. Hard work. Diligent stewardship. Total complete faith in God.  That’s how you build farms and ranches that last.

                               Regulated Out of Business
We will look at how producers are forced to comply with mounting “sustainable” regulations upon their lands, waters, air and animals, all components needed to produce food. With each new policy or regulation placed within one of these sectors profits and freedoms diminish opening the door for bankruptcies, land auctions and the opportunity for those who caused the shuttering to purchase the property for pennies on the dollar.
NGO’s are Non-Government Organizations.  We will look at how NGOs, and Public Private Partnerships which are partnerships among global elites and big environmental groups have infiltrated once trusted foundations, associations, organizations, agriculture and mainstream media and land grant universities to change governments, sway thinking and inject profit destroying policies upon our ranches. You will be introduced to the methods, means, and mantras used to implement this stealth takeover of America’s food providers, hopefully the dots will connect, eyes will open to the battle we face to hold on to our freedom of providing America and the world with a high quality, safe, abundant beef supply and vibrant rural communities.

                       Who Wants Control of Our Stuff?
Population Control, the Communist Manifesto’s 10 Planks, and the Russian Constitution, what do they all have in common? Besides being blatantly evil, Anti American and unconstitutional, those advancing the demise of America’s heartland, are tied to destructive centralized control efforts and ideologies that have made their way upon our farms and ranches: The Global and U.S. Roundtables for Sustainable Beef consortiums are one in the same and are destroying America’s beef producers.  Today The Green New Deal is something we hear a lot about, this idea is not new. Green architects have been working to undermine our sovereignty for decades.  Perhaps you remember the Buffalo Commons of 1987, a plan concocted by Frank J and Deborah Popper to remove food producers from the land and replace them with buffalo. Frank Popper was chairman of Rutgers University urban studies department and an international expert on land-use planning…remember that phrase, Deborah, a Rutgers geographer. Their idea was to convert much of America's prairie into public domain for its original residents- the buffalo.  The Poppers didn’t go home, their idea spawned more green do-gooders. Landowners, beef producers, farmers and ranchers from 10 Great Plains states from the 98th meridian to the Rockies, the area the Poppers wanted returned to the bison, continually battle attacks in areas that matter to their existence: air, land, water and animals.
Today Green New Dealers have found avenues to remove landowners.  The lure of conservation easements and the expansion of endangered species are prime examples. The WWF, The World Wildlife Fund for Nature uses economically burdensome regulations that demand our sustainability to control our animal production methods ultimately driving producers out of business and off their land.  The Nature Conservancy, TNC steps in to pick up the pieces for pennies on the dollar.  They work as a team.  The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef which holds UN standards for American producers to follow has been orchestrated by WWF.  The global sustainable standards are ushered into the U.S. and upon America’s farms through the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef.  If a producer is unable to meet sustainable standards which must be certified through a third party audit, the 4 remaining packers who also participate in the roundtables and hold monstrous power as they are the purchaser of our product, won’t purchase our product. So if we don’t meet the standards of global sustainability they won’t buy our beef.  If we don’t have a buyer for our product- no income.  With no income we lose our land.  Both WWF and TNC are founding members of the GRSB which demands our sustainability. Tyson, Cargill, JBS and Marfrig are members.   We will look at how those who set up the GRSB are tied to those advancing the Buffalo Commons and The Green New Deal.  Orchestration of this global food consortium began in earnest in 2012-13.  The same WWF that promotes humanism, Planned Parenthood and population control, a gathering of atheist that support ideals contrary to everything we stand for, helped organize the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and holds within its power our sustainability standards.  Our very own agricultural organizations have opened the barn doors of our farms to this enemy of freedom.  They have allowed them upon our American farms and ranches to determine our sustainable practices demanding the verification of those standards dictating whether we receive a green light to market our product. The US Roundtable for Sustainable Beef policy, the U.S. child of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef was voted upon all Oklahoma ranches at the 2017 OCA Convention opening a floodgate of foreign rules found within the Sustainable Ag Initiaivate for Beef Platform, a U.N. policy guide for American ranchers to follow. We will take a look at many of the other members of the Control Team.  

                             The Elephant in the Room
Where does this desire of control come from? According to the nation’s top experts on sustainable development and biodiversty, those that have researched for decades; Tom DeWeese American Policy Center; the late Henry Lamb author of The Rise of Global Governance, Rosa Koire, Democrats Against Agenda 21 Sustainable Development author of Behind the Green Mask and the late Michael Coffman conclude that sustainable development is the culprit. The term was first introduced to the world in the pages of a 1987 40 page report, Our Common Future, produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development UNCED, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. Agenda 21 was given ruling authority when more than 178 nations adopted it as official policy at the Earth Summit. President George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US pledging to adopt the goals of Agenda 21. In 1993, President Bill Clinton, signed an Executive Order in favor. This 40 page action plan set forth the inventorying of all the world’s resources and executed at local, national, and global levels usurping our nation’s local, state and federal laws.  Private property and grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment are all unsustainable. Its aim is to achieve global sustainable development. These global standards topple America’s ladder of successes and bring them down to the bottom rung onto an even playing field with third world countries.
A friend of mine once shared that ignoring  Agenda 21 while trying to figure out the attacks upon our country’s urban and rural infrastructure is like attempting to put a 1000 piece puzzle together without its original container-the the box it came in. It helps to see the big picture when putting a puzzle together.  It helps to understand the big picture when you’re at war, understand your enemy so you can defeat them.  Agenda 21/30 Sustainable Development …yes 30 as they are making plans to advance into 2030…is designed to destroy not only America’s beef and food producers but our sovereignty.  The enemy for several decades has quietly, systematically, incrementally moved a Trojan horse upon, not only our farms and ranches, but everything that matters to America, our small businesses, our health care, banking, our energy sources, our infrastructure unleashing unobtainable sustainable global regulations designed to destroy the U.S. from within.
 My story exposes those who developed the horse and its unobtainable, ever shifting sustainable regulations, those that helped push it upon our private property and those who held the door open while the regulations were unloaded upon our businesses handing us bludgeoning sustainable regulations to carry upon our land, water, air and animals; upon our private property.   If you value your current freedoms and want those freedoms for future generations, understanding Agenda 21/30 and how it is dismantling our entire nation isn’t an option, it’s mandatory. Once you understand share your knowledge with others then get to work exposing those who are advancing it.

                        The Good Guys at Work
The good guys always show up.  The Lone Ranger and Tonto, Bullwinkle, Captain America, Iron Man, the Hulk…whoever… always sweep in to save the day.  We loved those heroes but knew the pathway to those victories was always a little extreme and farfetched.  Our gut tells us this battle against evil is real and big and we wish Superman or someone would come in and take out the bad guy. But the truth is it’s up to us.  We do have some heroes stepping up, a growing number of good guys gathering to fend off these global attacks. A movement to take our ability to protect our ranches- America’s beef producers back is underway.  Education and raising awareness of the assaults has been the first step.  Most ranchers know something is amiss but are too busy making a living and “picking up the continual barrage of regulatory marbles” being dumped on their barn floors.  They search for ways to comply with the ever moving bar of sustainability hoping to please the enemy, we are market takers not market makers and the fear of not fitting those standards is real.  Secondly we are being forced to expose the agriculture associations, organizations, foundations and media that are supporting our demise.  These once trusted groups are marching full throttle on the path with the enemy. But we will stand and shed a light.   This book is intended to be a tool to help those producers who are searching for answers understand the big picture of this war being waged against them and push back against those destroying their livelihoods, their communities and their nation’s food production system. It’s a call to rally our cowboys to saddle up and protect their fellow cattlemen, to ride herd over what matters to America: her food supply and those who produce it.

An Adventure?

I love to stuff, my money, experiences, my faith and love of God and much much more. I don't mind opening up my home, my lif...