Behind Ag's Green Mask 2016 articles
I've been writing for our local paper for the past year...Behind Ag's Green Mask. After returning from the Kansas Natural Resouce Coaltion Summit an urgency to start writing publically overtook me, I knew that many of those I needed to reach were not on social media,and Facebook had been my only tool. I forced myself to make a committment to write weekly and share what I knew, so with a near decade mound of copious notes, maps, emails, I started publishing my thoughts on newsprint.
The KRNC shares the spotlight with other groups gathering ial in helping stop the top down centralized control destroying America's food producers freedoms, choices ultimately destroying profitability. I will provide a list of the others, and I am certain the Lord is bringing us together. Please share because time is running out, we must educate others quickly ...
April 21, 2016
KNRC: Securing Property Rights Locally
I believe it was Will Rogers who once said, “It is important to know just what is and what is not your business.” Now he was probably referring to sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, but I’m going to use it to make my point of sticking it where it does belong. It’s desperately past time for landowners, property owners, producers, businesses, citizens; elected local, county and city officials, to dig in and “know their business” and their enemy.
Understanding exactly who, what, when, where, why and how behind something known as Public Private Partnerships is first in the education process. Unions between federal government agencies and powerful environmental groups are being used within cities; our local government and within our own ag associations and organizations to shackle us to centralized control, drive us off our properties and ultimately out of business with massive regulations. Within cities grants are tying our hands to the whims of others such as the United Nations and forcing a top down planning upon America. No longer can we leave it up to government officials, our state and national agriculture associations, organizations, foundations or NGO’s (non-government organizations-an alphabet soup of tax exempt 501 C3’s with fluffy feel good names who answer to no one but roll out destructive green-social-environmental-climate change based regulations) to continue to form these destructive unions which ultimately result in destroying our rights. Local, grassroots decision making is the key but first education on the enemy’s tactics must become “every local citizen’s business”. Education will be the only way freedom can be passed down to future generations.
An educating hub for elected officials, the Kansas Natural Resource Coalition (KNRC) may be the first of its kind. A collaboration of county governments; county commissioners and elected officials, who engage federal agencies, the legal parity enjoyed with local government, and that federal procedural mandates require balancing of economic, social, cultural and property interests during the outworking of natural resource policy efforts.
When federal agencies propose rules for their region they first investigate the statutory basis undergirding the proposal, a process known as “Show Us the Law”. Many administrative agencies believe they have the authority to enact law, KNRC does not accept regulations, policies or memoranda as binding until a clear, statutory connection has been established. Because courts do not make law, KNRC does accept court opinions, decisions or definitions being sufficient to justify administrative proposals. They believe the legislative branch of government to be the sole source of lawmaking.
KNRC’s extensive research, clear understanding of administrative procedure, dogged adherence to statutory requirements and tactical application of the coordination process forces accountability to federal agencies who have grown accustomed to bypassing or dismissing entirely the needs of local government.
KNRC’s long-term objectives include training, equipping and exhibit hard-won examples for local governments across the nation. History teaches that centralized top-down, and autocratic governments such as China’s Mao, Russia’s Stalin and Germany’s Hitler devastate countries and over time after much turmoil revert back to local control. Local government only –not industry, not associations, and particularly not NGO’s- can leverage accountability from federal administrative agencies during natural resource rulemakings.
On April 14th KNRC held their annual Land, Environment and Government Conference in Dodge City, Kansas. Attendees from 16 states were able to gain knowledge from attorneys, and private property rights- constitutional experts during the two day conference. A highlight was the presentation by Virginian, Martha Boneta, author of the private property rights “Boneta Bill” which passed in 2014 and is now the law of the land.
Martha's documentary “Farming In Fear”
KNRC’s website">">http://"> website">
Public Private Partnerships Joan Veon’s Youtube video website">">
April 28,2016
Making Some Sense of Judicial Complexities
This week I will continue to feature the KANSAS NATURAL RESOURCE COALITION CONFERENCE. I am sharing an article that was featured in the Western Ag Reporter, Billings MT written by Kerry Hoffschneider published Thursday 21, 2016/ Volume 8 No. 30. I cannot improve on Kerry’s excellent message. Future articles in the Western Ag Reporter will highlight a deeper dive into some of the other various case studies and issues presented as all speaker’s messages were not covered in this article. I might add that KNRC is unique to Kansas, it is imperative landowners either join with them or initiate similar coalitions within their states using their structure as a model.
The Kansas Natural Resources Coalition (KNRC) is trying to make sense of the current, complicated modern agricultural and political system that they believe is operating in an imbalanced fashion and is unfairly targeting farmers and ranchers. On April 13 and 14, the KNRC conference, "Land, Water & Local Government Conference and Panel Discussion," was held in Dodge City, Kansas.
A new website launched by KNRC, , outlines the coalition's lengthy vision and values. High points of it follow; for the complete text, refer to the website.
"The Executive Branch of American civil government possesses only those authorities delegated by Article II of the U.S. Constitution and as codified by federal statutes. The Constitution is the unquestionable law of the republic, and it is the responsibility of the President to execute it and congressional mandates consistent with - and not beyond - Congressional intent.
"The American judicial system has authority only to arbitrate disputes between parties. The constitutional scope of judicial authority is constrained to rendering decisions within the boundaries of Article III and existing statutory law. Courts neither create law nor confer authority beyond the intent of Congress; the breadth and depth of their decisions is delegated and limited and does not extend beyond the case being adjudicated. Any decisions that go beyond the limits of the case at hand or that create law are fiat. (Editor's note: For those of you who, like me, are hazy about the meaning of the word "fiat," you can't properly understand what is being said here without a proper definition, so here it is: "an arbitrary decree or pronouncement, especially by a person or group of persons having the absolute authority to enforce it, as in "The king ruled by fiat." LG)
"The notion of precedent law is fraternal, without premise, substance, or legal foundation; previous rulings serve only as history, reference, and convenience and are NOT law unless concurred by Congressional authorization. In recent history, federal agencies have conferred upon themselves -- through the administrative rulemaking process -- expansive powers and authorities not present in original statutory law. Through the cumbersome, complex, and ineffective public comment/ rulemaking process, federal agencies create for themselves rules, regulations, and policies, imposing them on the public as binding and having the weight of law. Rulemaking processes are often one-sided, incomplete, based upon faulty or non-peer reviewed science, and usually lacking in the fundamental, procedural checks required by the Administrative Procedures Act. Because federal agencies have been left to decide for themselves which comments to address or changes to make during rulemakings, agencies have been able to create a culture of rules that are difficult to challenge and expensive to litigate, often bearing little semblance to the Congressional mandates that produced them.
"KNRC members understand that the federal rulemaking process must incorporate the views of local government and take place within the context of existing statutory law. Our approach is to assess compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Regulations from the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and provisions from the Federal Land Policy & Management Act (FLPMA) that require federal agencies to account for the County Natural Resource Land Use Plans. The review also includes a data integrity evaluation to ensure science undergirding the rules is accurate, measurable, reproducible, and readily available as required by the Data Quality Act (66 FR 34489).
"KNRC's vision for aligning administrative processes with organic, congressional standards continues to be well received in the region and throughout discreet areas in rural America. As federal environmental initiatives indiscriminately impact agriculture, stifle industry, result in private property encroachment, and meander along mediocrity, KNRC's vision to buttress local government will continue to resonate, propagate, and appropriately result in structural re-balancing." (Editor's note: This vision is both extremely well-thought out and well-written; I would suggest that you re-read it several times and keep it handy for its relevance to other situations of federal overreach. LG)
Shawn Tasset, KNRC president, opened the recent conference with a prayer to Jesus Christ that beckoned for God to preserve our nation. Tasset then welcomed visitors from 13 different states as well as Washington D.C.
J.R. Carlson, KNRC Executive Director, spoke next: "George Washington is dead. Patrick Henry is gone. Ronald Reagan is not with us. So it's up to us. We're it. We have a sound foundation for our country; there are just some cracks that need to be filled... hard toil that needs to be worked out. There's nothing new under the sun. It has always been this way. One guy has always wanted to take another guy's stuff. That seems to be the issue we have today. We are in a power struggle... The power struggle is whether or not the power flows from the bottom up as in the Constitution or whether that power comes from the top down." ... A power struggle - who is to blame and who is accountable - was the central theme throughout all presentations.
The keynote address was given by Tom Van Flein, Chief of Staff for U.S. Representative (R-AZ) Paul Gosar. Van Flein echoed Carlson. "The ramifications that you feel today (in terms of federal government overreach) did not happen overnight. This has been in progress since the late 1960s and has been sold to Americans with 'feel good' slogans... The real agenda is to restrict private land ownership and to eliminate it."
Van Flein talked about no other presidential candidates except Bernie Sanders when he said that he and others are seeing "Socialism in vogue" in Washington D.C. and the nation. He believes that some of this socialist agenda has to do with the public being disconnected with the reality of where their food supply comes from and the land practices it takes to grow that food. He noted that, in terms of the environment, this movement towards a more socialist mindset is particularly "egregious" because of the increased restrictions on property owners to farm, mine, and drill.
Van Flein went on to point out that the federal government currently owns 640 million acres of land (roughly 28% of the land in the U.S., although he noted they don't really know exactly how much land). He said that 70% of the land in Arizona is under federal control and around 85% in Alaska.
The Chief of Staff also talked briefly about the National Monument issue and how this set-aside federal program that began under an act that was initiated under Teddy Roosevelt has morphed into what he and others believe is misuse and overreach by the federal government. Van Flein said that President Obama has been most active on this front and that Obama, "with no public input," has created three new national monuments using 1.8 million acres of land. He believes this is land that Obama just wants "locked up so that people cannot use it for mining and ranching."
Van Flein said that a bill has been brought forward that would bring back the original intent of the act that would require consultation with states and local land managers and the public.
Landowners themselves were featured speakers as well. Among those was Martha Boneta, who gained national attention for the challenges she has been facing over a conservation easement and land trust connected to her family's 60-plus-acre organic farm outside Paris, Virginia, that is very diverse with sheep, goats, cows, chickens, and emus. The farm - which has historically produced farm-fresh eggs, honey, herbs, fiber, and other produce -- has been open to the public for tours and educational opportunities. "They promised our family that we would be able to do what we wanted to do on our farm forever," Boneta said. "I realize (now) there was a coordinated, calculated attempt to get us off our farm."
According to Boneta, her family purchased Liberty Farm in 2006. The property they purchased was a small portion of a 1,250-acre estate owned by Phil Thomas, a fifth-generation land owner and real estate developer. Six years earlier, in 2000, Thomas had sold most of that estate, including Liberty Farm, to a private land trust called the Piedmont Environmental Council (PEC). In 2006, when Martha purchased the farm, the PEC attached a conservation easement contract to the deed, permanently preventing urban development on the land through a co-management arrangement with a state agency called the Virginia Outdoors Foundation. Martha's easement was written to prevent urban development and limits some of what she is allowed to do with her property. The terms were also designed to preserve the agriculture, historical, and environmental value of the land. Boneta said she and her family are following the terms of the easement, but have now faced years of what she calls "harassment" from the county, the PEC, and others.
Boneta said that initially her family was promised they would be able to do what they wanted on the farm forever. They received guidance from the land trust lawyer. They were sent a conservation easement, and the family signed it. Boneta said in actuality the land trust gave themselves the conservation easement and not the family. She said there was a difference in the easement they signed and the one filed by the land trust. Boneta said, "I have been in litigation for the past 10 years."
This litigation has included threats on her family to pay $15,000/day for having a birthday party in the barn and carving pumpkins without a permit. Students were also lined up by local law enforcement and questioned during a farm visit. Boneta said currently they are in circuit court suing the county over violation of the state's right to farm laws.
Each conference recipient received a video "Farming in Fear" put out by the Honest Enterprise, a project of the Charles Koch Institute that features Boneta's story and the well-known farm activist Joel Salatin. A google search will guide those interested to find this documentary and trailer video.
The day concluded with a presentation by Tracy Hunt, Weston County Commissioner. Hunt is a rancher, attorney, and County Commissioner in Westin County, Wyoming. He has served as Weston County Prosecuting Attorney and on the Wyoming Game & Fish Commission. His presentation was titled: "The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef - A Case Study of Transnational Private Governance."
Hunt said the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB), found publicly at, is a 501(c)3 corporation that he believes has a top-down plan to consolidate banking and government and to vertically integrate the corporate beef supply and distribution chains.
According to the GRSB website, they define sustainable beef as "a socially responsible, environmentally sound, and economically viable product that prioritizes planet, people, animals, and progress."
Hunt said that, while all this sounds positive on the surface, he believes that "it is a vehicle to facilitate collusion against freedom-loving people." He noted there are 200 members -- including BEEF USA, Cargill, Dow, Tyson, Walmart, JBS, McDonald's, Costco, Merck Animal Health, Elanco, Rabobank, WWF (World Wildlife Fund), Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock, and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association (a more complete list of members can be found on the GRSB website).
"The meatpackers have control of about 90% of the kill... They are all colluding to accomplish this goal," Hunt said, noting that "traditional family ranchers" are not members of this coalition that he knows of.
He added that he believes this is ultimately the "chickenization" of the beef industry.
Hunt said that the GRSB mission is " advance continuous improvement in global beef value chain sustainability through leadership, science, and multi-stakeholder engagement and collaboration."
Hunt believes the GRSB is modeled after communism. He shared a chart with the group that compared the GRSB vision with the mission of the Soviet Union Constitution, 1977. Chapter 7, Article 39 states: "Citizens of the USSR enjoy in full the social, economic, political, and personal rights and freedoms proclaimed and guaranteed by the Constitution of the USSR and by Soviet Laws. The socialist system ensures enlargement of the rights and freedoms of citizens and continuous improvement of their living standards as social, economic, and cultural development programs are fulfilled. Enjoyment by citizens of their rights and freedoms must not be to the detriment of the interests of society or the state or infringe the rights of other citizens."
Hunt pointed out where GRSB mission language says "envisions," the Soviet Constitution says, "ensures." And that where the GRSB says, "continuous improvement," the Soviet Constitution also says, "continuous improvement." And that where GRSB says, "socially," the Soviet Constitution says, "social." And that where the GRSB says "economically," the Soviet Constitution says, "economic." And finally he noted that, where GRSB says "environmentally," the Soviet Constitution says, "cultural."
Hunt asked the group, "Where does all this 'continuous improvement' come from?" Hunt said that he believes history's "continuous improvers" were Joseph Stalin, Chairman Mao, ...and the late Don Tyson of Tyson Foods, Inc.
Hunt said the solution to this effort is a well-developed body of anti-trust laws. He advised contacting your universities and telling them what sustainability really means and to start thinking about the U.S. as a local government player in a global economy. He suggested putting the pressure on our universities to support our nation's producers. He also said that those marketing their beef without a packer have an advantage.
May 5, 2016
Peeling the Onion
A follow up on one of the Kansas Natural Resource Coalition Conference Speakers: Attorney Tracey Hunt was recently interviewed by Trent Loos “Loos Tails” in his weekly radio broadcast. During this 40 minute interview, Hunt also a Wyoming County Commissioner goes into detail about the destructive Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. Those involved in the beef industry will learn vital information to their survival. Poultry and pork producers are now subservient to big packers; beef is headed in this direction if producers don’t stand up against the collusion taking place within our industry. To listen to this interview visit Trent Loos’ Podcasts-PodOmatic or go to the link
The tiers of socialism and communism that are surrounding and smothering America’s freedoms took many decades to create. Peeling away these pungent layers; understanding and exposing the methods and tools being used to destroy the U.S. are tedious, complex- it’s complicated and is taking a while. We must be as strategic and dedicated in protecting our liberties as those so intent on destroying it. So we’ll keep peeling.
For nearly a decade I’ve been studying and trying to make sense of the destructive force destroying our nation. Yes almost a decade has passed since this administration began “fundamentally changing” our world-wow time flies when you’re having fun. I began witnessing early on this subtle destruction being immersed in the business of production agriculture. As a farmer/rancher/ gopher-housewife I was surrounded with the new “green” regulations being brought into our business. These regulations were coming into the sectors of AIR, LAND, WATER and ANIMALS –all “must haves” if you want to produce food. So through social media; a website, a blog and most frequently Facebook I have tried to share what I have been witnessing as I continuously peel the reasoning and motives away.
I have never felt qualified to commit and write a column because the things I was uncovering and witnessing were happening so fast I couldn’t possibly write anything coherent. I was only understanding and digesting it in parts-in snippets. After attending the Kansas Natural Resource Coalition Conference I returned with an urgency to do more- share the facts I have uncovered, stumbled upon and put them in print. I knew I must reach beyond social media because the people needing to hear this message are probably not using it. The KNRC professional circle, those who understood and expounded on the issues this housewife had only been squealing about, was strong. Fellow producers, lawyers, county commissioners and government officials were talking the same language- they understood me. Something not many have been willing to take the time to do over the past few years when I start babbling about the United Nations, social acceptance, environmental justice and sustainability. This column will serve as an educational tool, I will share what I’ve learned with you, facts, other producer’s stories of government overreach and abuse, you can then take that information and decide what path you want to take. Me, I will choose to expose the evil and those advancing it and stand for individual liberty until I can’t.
We must understand the motive of those wanting to destroy our way of life- Control. Control of America’s resources, her land, her businesses her people. Everything that makes America great is succumbing to a “Public Private Partnership (top down federal government agencies/environmentalists/globalists) Attack”. This attack is being waged upon our education system (Common Core); our healthcare system (Affordable Care Act); our banking/financials (exponential debt that at this date had reached $19,228,044,093,705; our energy sector (destruction of fossil fuels- Peabody Coal America’s largest provider of the most affordable form of energy declared bankruptcy this month); Timber and Mining (the expansion and enforcement of the Endangered Species Act destroyed thousands of jobs, businesses and communities; not to mention our Christian heritage and culture through daily doses of anti-Christian/anti-American rhetoric being broadcast by a liberal media who answers only to those advancing the destruction. Ag media is not exempt; it is now controlled a few and readily sells sustainability, social and environmental justice by the bundle.
America’s food suppliers are subtly and surely being destroyed as well. That is America’s backbone. This column will focus mainly on this food supply and how it is incrementally and strategically being destroyed from within. “Those who control the energy can control whole continents, those who control money can control the world and those who control the food supply control the people”, a quote supposedly by Henry Kissinger which sums it up pretty well.
Wars throughout history have taken care of- snuffed out those who wanted to control others. The army with the most military might, wisdom and resources won. These wars were long, messy, bloody, but the victor and enemy were distinguishable there was a good guy and a bad guy and you knew which side you were on. This war is different and complex because the enemy is hard to identify. Those at command central are stealthy and strategic and have been working covertly for years within our nation. They have even taken many of the good guys and turned them against America and the values she holds dear: life, liberty and individual freedoms. Instead many are aggressively helping push top down centralized control.
The ingredient used to manufacture the ammunition of this enemy? Regulations. These rules and mandates, most unconstitutional, being forced upon American producers are based on global warming and climate change and the notion of creating “sustainability”. Until now there have been no big stacks of papers on “sustainability” in the college library, but radical extremists are working to fix that. Skewed and falsified science is being churned out within 7 Climate Hubs strategically placed across the U.S and implemented by the Obama administration in 2014 (Oklahoma has their very own located in El Reno). Their findings based on climate change, social justice, environmental acceptance are turned into “fact” and spread out into society, into our schools, colleges even our land grant universities, into agriculture organizations, into ag and mainstream media. Most devastating to America’s food supply; these findings turned fact end up as regulations and are now being forced upon America’s resource providers.
“Sustainability” houses nebulous terms which destroy freedom such as environmental justice, social acceptance, continuous improvement (Russia’s Constitution speaks highly of continuous improvement…want to get some of that? I don’t. I don’t want to have anything to do with anything that resembles it---at all). These are all tools that allow those wanting control to enter our farms and ranches demand we follow their new rules, stripping us of our private property rights, it is restricting our ability to profit and in many cases being used as a land grab. When we must comply with their created manufactured rules and regulations we lose; compliance and affordability can’t co-exist. If we don’t comply fines are dished out. This method is causing producers, food providers to exit America’s resource providing arena by the hundreds of thousands. This in turn is creating higher food prices and an influx of foreign food products into the U.S.
In this column we will study the Trojan Horse of Sustainability and learn how environmental and social regulations are carrying weapons of destruction within the sectors of air, water, land and animals using the Clean Air Act; the Clean Water Act and WOTUS or Waters of the U.S; perpetual conservation easements; the expansion of the Endangered Species Act ; Heritage Areas; Viewsheds and Watersheds; EPA, BLM, USFWS and other federal agency overreach; how the Humane Society of the United States, ASPCA and other animal rights groups join forces with government agencies to carry out their agenda of abolishing animal protein altogether; and the regulations that will impact America beef producers via the destructive Global RoundTable for Sustainable Beef mentioned above.
We will look at solutions: individuals to contact, groups to join, and sources for help. We won’t forget our past; we’ll study it because we know that those who do are doomed to repeat it. Historic wars have always included antagonist such as the likes of Mao, Stalin and Hitler all wanting CONTROL. They used the same tactics during their reigns, the same methods being ushered in to destroy America from within today. The strata is thick, it’s deep and ever changing. Like peeling an onion, the smell and tears only last a while but when you’ve finished you’re left with something flavorful and delicious granting you like onions. I like choices and onions. And I love freedom.
A telling look at Climate Hubs: Improving Efficiency and Sustainability Oklahoma Horizon 9-14 (a note CHANGING- HELPING farmers and ranchers is code for more regulations)
NFS Grant Enhances Oklahoma Research Infrastructure
Trusted (non-manufactured) Climate Change Facts: C-FACT (a note the documentary “Climate Hustle” which exposes the lies behind global warming released May 2, 2016 can be found here)
United Nation’s Involvement In Advancing Social and Environmental Justice via Sustainability: Behind The Green Mask by Rosa Koire
May 12,2016
Yum...Elephant a Bite at a Time
There’s a quote, “You can’t eat an elephant whole”, and I love it because it helps me complete tasks that seem unsurmountable. Sometimes the chore or problem seems so big you believe you’ll never complete or see the end. So, one bite at a time is how a person starts and that’s how I’m going to tackle sharing and unraveling the tentacles of the United Nation’s Agenda 21- 2030 plan. I’m pretty sure the past three articles have been overwhelming for readers, to say the least. This week I will share only an image. Cut it out and save it because we will be building from it.
The UN Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan birthed the term “SUSTAINABILITY” using fear of CLIMATE CHANGE and GLOBAL WARMING. Today this ever moving target based on social and environmental acceptance is the tool being used to destroy America’s businesses, farms, and ranches- America’s food supply.
The Triple Bottom Line is the host that carries the Trojan horse of “sustainability”, it is being used to usher in unbearable regulations within each sector that makes up production agriculture, our food supply: air, land, water and animals.
American food producers recognize Webster’s definition of sustainability: able to last or continue for a long time, the definition that has allowed U.S. food producers to feed the world for centuries. We reject the idea of developing this term beyond Webster’s explanation as it is resulting in further destruction of U.S. food providers. I will reiterate that I am focusing on food production, however, this term is being used to dismantle all American resources including coal and fossil fuels. The method is the same, it is a cookie cutter model used to destroy profitability.
Each week we will begin to “eat a bit of the elephant” by looking deeper within each sector. Next week we will look within the area of land and unravel the methods federal agencies along with extreme environmental groups (remember Public Private Partnerships?) use to stop production. Such programs like the Endangered Species Act and Perpetual Conservation Easements have been advancing and killing production on the land, this has developed into massive land grab opportunities.
May 19, 2016
This Land is Your Land This Land is Our Land...
“Hey, but wait a minute, I thought it was my land” Well, don’t be getting too attached to your stuff especially your land and especially if you’ve signed up for a conservation easement or have inherited one compliments of an uniformed family member who thought they were doing the right thing when they signed the dotted line…an unintended consequence deluxe. As I promised last week we would look at attacks on Land. There are many: the expansion of the ESA Endangered Species Act (which we will look at next week), the listing of the Western and Chisholm Trails as National Heritage Areas and more. But the most threatening, I believe at this particular time, are CE’s because they seem harmless and good. Packaged as enticing “gifts of tax relief and the protection of all things green and lushy” they are in fact being used as a land grab.
Through conservation easements we are “federalizing” our private property rights– allowing government agencies or “non-profits” to make decisions about our land use. We are slowly but surely allowing the federal government to take our private property rights by tolerating perpetual conservation easements and the manner in which this “federalization” is taking place is largely (but not entirely) advancing under the radar. In some cases it is blatant as in Wyoming Stock Grower’s Land Trust in which the USDA/NRCS has enforcement authority which is stated in the contract. These Ag land trust are popping up all across the U.S. and it’s your duty as a landowner to understand the language and what is hidden within them. Education is the key to keeping your land your land, YOUR land.
So why Land Trusts and Conservation Easements? In response to exorbitant costs of government regulations on land use and zoning laws and the rising cost for government agencies to purchase land for “conservation” they have taken advantage of this system. Why should a government agency or Land Trust buy when they can control the land for pennies on the dollar? Let’s look at some facts.
10 Conservation Easement Facts to Consider
Taken from Public Policy Considerations for Private Land Management; Property rights attorney Harriet M. Hagman of Hageman and Brighton, P.C. Cheyenne, WY shares these facts…
1. Total Land base of the United States is around 2.27 billion acres. The federal government owns about 653,299,090 of those acres or 29% of all U.S. land. Of that approximately 605,000,000 acres are managed by Bureau of Land Management, US Forrest Service, National Park Service, NWR (National Wildlife Refuge)
2. Conservation Easements are a legally-binding agreement between a property owner and a “non-profit” organization, typically a land trust or a government agency.
3. The property owner (the “grantor”) retains partial ownership rights over the land, but relinquishes the rights to use the property for development, often limiting all development (minerals, etc.) this has caused devastating problems by restricting revenue.
4. The growth of Land Trusts and Conservation Easements has gone from 53 in 1950 to 1667 in 2005. In 2010 National Land Trust Census showed there were 47 million acres of land controlled by approximately 1700 land trusts. As Land Trusts and CE’s have grown
5. CE’s consolidate power over real property, most of the controlled land is managed by large, national environmental organizations such as The Nature Conservancy TNC, The Trust for Public Lands, Ducks Unlimited, American Farmland Trust, The Conservation Fund so has their influence and association with the government.
6. Perpetuity means forever…CE’s are a contract and how they are interpreted and enforced will be dictated by the language used. Ducks Unlimited language: “The purpose is to ensure that the Protected Property will be retained in perpetuity predominately in its natural and scenic condition for conservation purposes to benefit the public and to prevent any use of the Protected Property that would significantly impair or interfere with the Conservation Values of the Protected Property…”
7. CE’s are usually fully transferrable by the grantee – can be sold to another organization or the federal government and typically “run with the land” and are binding on all subsequent purchasers and heirs. Landowner must agree that the easement be held in perpetuity, meaning that all future landowners of the easement are bound by the terms of the deed.
8. Tax incentive: The “value” of the easement is deducted from the “value” of the property which means the difference between the value of the land just before the easement is granted as compared to the value of the land immediately after the donation. CE’s are intentionally designed to devalue your property
9. There are pre-arranged “flips” or “pre-acquisitions”. The Land Trust does not actually hold on to the easement, they can sell it to federal or state agencies. They are often purchased by Land Trusts at below market value with the landowner “donating” the difference to the “non-profit” Land Trust. The Land Trust then sells the easement to the government at the market value, pocketing the difference. This set up enables the government to obtain private lands when public funds are not available. According to USDA: “voluntary acquisitions provide opportunities for public agencies to influence resource use without incurring the political costs of regulation or the full financial costs of outright land acquisition” …now isn’t that special?
10. Conservation easements are presented in tidy little packages that offer the landowner all kinds of great things. Beware. Wise landowners will check the fine print and hire a good private property rights attorney before signing anything.
I still like Will Roger’s thought “It is a good thing to know just what is, and what is not your business”, if you’re a landowner contemplating a conservation easement ---understanding them is your business.
For more information read Martha Boneta and Jiliane Hixon’s stories below. I have met both women and heard their stories, but accounts such as these are happening all across America.
The Dark Side of Conservation Easements Martha Boneta’s Saga Continues
Tears flow over a weakened conservation easement bill
May 26, 2016
The Enemy’s Constant Agenda: “Now How Do We Get America to Say “Calf Rope?"
You remember the game, a bully twists, pesters or pokes until you yell “calf rope…I give up.” Well we have a passive aggressive bully who is incrementally, systematically and subtly poking and pestering in hopes of getting us to give up and allow destruction of everything that makes our nation great: her resources-all being dismantled before our eyes; her people and their high moral standards by stripping her Judeo Christian foundation from her schools and government; her productive high-standard culture by stripping her people of their dignity and pride by giving them free rides and destroying their great work ethic; her strong finances now burdened with a 19 plus trillion dollar debt, her health care and education systems by removing local control and input, replacing it with overreaching federal control; her cities through enticing grants tied to the U.N. which also result in top down federal control, her affordable energy supply by regulating the most abundant efficient sources such as coal out of business; and last but not least what I focus on in this column-her food supply which has for centuries fed not only her people but countless millions across the globe.
If you’ve been following I am attempting to dissect the elephant and dole it out in tiny digestible portions sharing how “they” (“they” being those advancing communism, socialism and a progressive agenda within the White House by buddying up within Public Private Partnerships) are wrecking our nation. These unions among federal agencies, global elites and radical environmental extremists are destroying private property rights and the financial solvency of America’s businesses. If you are rolling your eyes with the mention of the “isms” within the White House I would refer you to Trevor Loudon’s books; THE ENEMIES WITHIN: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress; and Barack Obama and the Enemies Within. I had the opportunity to hear Mr. Louden give an extensive review and share biographies of the enemies within our congress several years ago.
After reviewing some of the dangers of signing perpetual conservation easements last week, we will next look at the Endangered Species Act and how the expansion of a handful of endangered species specifically heritage breeds such as the eagle and buffalo grew to several thousand destroying private property rights within the sector of LAND.
Before we do let’s take a look back at the conception of the U.N. Agenda 21 Sustainable Development Plan. Following are several links that will give you more than enough information to come to your own conclusion about the motives of these people who strive to destroy America with this radical agenda, but I will share a quick summary: the Biodiversity Treaty and the Rewilding of America Plan is a global push to stifle America’s resource development, financially burdening her, and inventorying and controlling her people and land and limiting her production. It was first proposed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 1981. Land use policies required within this treaty were in dozens of UN documents and incorporated into the agendas of NGOs for implementation through various programs and legislation at local, state, and federal levels long before the Treaty was ever presented to the world.
Having succeeded, for the most part in implementing Agenda 21 Sustainability those advancing it are now taking it a step further Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Their mantra: Man is destroying the planet, earth can’t sustain itself the masses must be controlled nudged into urban areas in a stack and pack utopian type of habitat, the majority of our nation’s land mass must remain uninhabited. This message has been propagated and fueled by climate change, global warming verbiage creating a sense of sustainable social and environmental urgency. All designed to control not save a planet.
So back to the ESA. How could something that started out to be so good turn out to be so evil? The Endangered Species Act of 1973 authorized the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to categorize diminishing species including plants, animals and insects as threatened or endangered, with the goal of conserving and protecting species while avoiding action that may affect federally-designated habitats. Today it is being abused and used as a tool to stop development. From the listing of the Lesser Prairie Chicken, the Big Eared Bat, the Delta Smelt, the reintroduction of the Grey Wolf or the trading of America Burrowing Beetle Credits here within our own state, the destructive force of this federal agenda has only continued to compound. The stories are countless but a few of the ones I find most disturbing our listed in the links below. Next week we will look at more ESA horror stories, until then the ones below should keep you plenty upset.
If the U.S. yells “calf rope- we give up” the world loses. Let’s remember Churchill’s advice, “Never, never, never give up.” It will take time, tenacity and an investment in education to make certain America gains victory over this evil bully.
AG 21
Understanding Agenda 21 Sustainable Development/ Wildlands Project
The Wildlands Project/Biodiversity Treaty
The American Policy Center
Is The Soros Sponsored Agenda 21 a Hidden Plan for World Gov’t, Yes but it’ Not Hidden
Transforming Our World AG 2030
Endangered Species Act
The Valley Hope Forgot Hannity’s 3 Part Series Delta Smelt/San Joaquin Valley destruction
American Burying Beetle
Crying Wolf J.D. King
June 2, 2016
Don't Shoot The Wagon Puller
What do you get when you shoot the wagon puller? No one to pull the wagon-no one to work and provide services and goods. For over 200 years America’s free market economy has been the world’s wagon puller providing an abundant supply of safe foods, fibers, fuels and goods and military security to neighboring countries. A quote from Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, “I will destroy America without firing a shot” is manifesting itself as groups who want the wagon puller banished, whittle away at her exceptionalism, strip her military and over-regulate her resource providers trying desperately to replace her free market system with centralized control. Regulatory overload is wrecking U.S. production, especially the American food producer. According to the Heritage Foundation President Obama and his administration have added 20,642 new regulations since taking office exceeding $100 billion annually. These policies have marginalized or in some cases completely wiped out private sector industry and business.
Lack of “enemy” education is destroying us. No need to storm our castles, we are handing them the keys by participating in socialists style programs that will eventually bring about our own demise- Khrushchev’s dream. Our own agriculture associations and organizations have partnered with the enemy using our very own funds to help advance the utopian idea of “sustainability”, for example the decisions made to play with fire by buddying up with the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef which we will look closer at when we address the areas of regulatory attacks under the heading of animals
To recap: The sole reason for this column is to share how this enemy is destroying America’s food producers through massive regulations within LAND, AIR, WATER and ANIMALS. These plans of attacks on America’s heartland didn’t happen overnight covert strategizing has been occurring for decades; it’s complex and will take dedicated effort to understand, so we will continue to “eat this elephant one bite at a time” by looking at each sector. Within the sector of LAND we’ve looked at perpetual conservation easements and how they are being used as a land grab. Last week we touched briefly on the Endangered Species Act and how it is being used to halt or stifle production. But before moving forward with more stories I want to share an outline that will help simplify. We will look at the TEAM PLAYERS aka Public Private Partnerships, and the enemy’s RULE BOOKS, and their METHODS and TOOLS being used to stop production. The outline below can be clipped and used along with the LAND, WATER, AIR, ANIMALS image provided earlier.
First we must have an understanding of Public Private Partnerships and how we as grassroots are losing our voice. Partnerships between federal agencies and wealthy environmental groups (NGO’s) are changing legislation that restrict grassroots’ ability to produce. To fully understand how these unions work visit Joan Veon’s YouTube two-part series
USDA- U.S. Dept. of Ag
BLM- Bureau of Land Management
USFWS-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
EPA-Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
U.S. Forest Service Agency
World Wildlife Fund
Environmental Defense Fund
Sierra Club
Ducks Unlimited
These are not complete lists there are perhaps other agencies being used and many, many more NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) who use their 501 C3 status to advance their agendas
A. Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals
1. Divide and Conquer (Author Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer)
B. Cloward and Piven Strategy
1. Overwhelm/Collapse System
C. Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto 10 Planks
1. Abolition of Private Property
2. Heavy Progressive Income Tax
3. Abolition of all Rights of Inheritance
4. Confiscation of Property
5. Central Bank
6. Government Control of Communication/ Transportation
7. Government Ownership of Factories/ Agriculture
8. Government Control of Labor
9. Corporate Farms- Regional Planning
10. Government Control of Education
A. Public Private Partnerships (see image)
B. Climate Hubs (manufactured skewed science to fit global warming/climate change agenda, dispensed as “fact” to academia-land grant universities, federally funded USDA programs resulting in massive unattainable regulations upon grassroots) Of the 7 implemented in U.S. Oklahoma is home to the Grazingland Institute located in El Reno
C. Promise Zones (implemented same time as Climate Hubs-see resource links for further information)
D. Fear, Intimidation, Bribes Producers being stalked, hunted down, fined and Imprisoned; or lured into taking “free” grant monies w/fed strings attached-grassroots level (Bottom Up)
E. Delphied Meeting/Consensus Building Controlled outcomes within organization-association meetings, participation by members however outcome of meetings previously decided, member appears to have input (Inside Out)
F. Media Feed misinformation to uniformed-Agriculture and Mainstream disseminate false information based on skewed research; Massive “new” USDA programs announced weekly (all with top down federal control strings attached)
G. Academia (disseminating fear/lies of global warming/climate change/sustainability using the skewed Climate Hub bogus science-research which requires social and environmental acceptance by grassroots producer
H. Verbiage Mantra Emotion “Continuous Improvement”, “Best Practices”, “Sustainable-social/environmental acceptance,”
I. Regionalization First step in globalization of the U.S.: Endangered Species Listings overlap Biodiversity Corridor, 7 Climate Hubs, Voting, etc.…all in process of being regionalized.
METHODS (Squeeze out of business)
A. Top Down
1. Board Seat Position within major industries/organizations influencing decision making
B. Bottom Up
1. Grant/Special Free Monies Owner participation in programs with federal strings attached
2. Threats Fear, intimidation, false media coverage, massive fines, imprisonment- even murder (Bundy’s, Hammonds, death of Nevada rancher, LaVoy Finicum); Hage’s, Dollarhites, Sackets, Hadricks, Hudson Farms-the list is endless)
C. Inside Out
1. Infiltration- organizations, associations, foundations. All major ag groups/media have been infiltrated by those advancing the narrative of “sustainability-social and environmental acceptance” using terms such as “continuous improvement (Russia’s Constitution), “best practices”
Forces are gathering to stop this invasion of over-regulation and attacks on our freedoms. If we are to prove Khrushchev wrong we must understand the enemy’s game plan. The following individuals and groups are defending the wagon puller… Dr. Angus McIntosh grazing rights expert who worked for the Forest Service Agency several decades until realizing he was deceiving property owners he left the agency got his PhD and now helps landowners across the U.S understand their rights; Kris Anne Hall constitutional attorney also travels the U.S. educating property owners and citizens on their constitutional rights...
Property rights attorneys Karen Budd-Falen, Harriet Hageman and Tracy Hunt; The Cavalry Group/ Mindy Patterson-a major defender within the pet, rodeo, circus, hunting sectors, C-FACT (a source for accurate information on climate change)
Kansas Natural Resource Coalition KNRC
10 Planks of Communism
Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals
Cloward and Piven Strategy
Climate Hubs and Promise Zones Wilkow-
June 9,2016
Get Your Head Out
The poor little turtle crossing the road on 270 last Thursday seemed to think if he tucked his head back into his shell the traffic would miss him. My grandkids and I laughed. Then one of them, the one that reads stacks and stacks of political books and was explaining the electoral college to me on our way to Woodward said, “It’s just like people today, they think if they bury their head all of this stuff will go away.” She’s right about the turtle and people, most just want to tuck their head back into their shell. It’s easier.
I promised I would share more on land issues; federal over reach and the expansion of the Endangered Species Act, but felt like the outline provided last week wasn’t clear enough, so made another before discussing LAND issues further. Hopefully the image will make the message stick. The resources below are extremely important as they contain additional facts of what is taking place within our country. Just a reminder: I focus mainly on agriculture attacks; however, this scenario is playing out within our cities, our education, banking, energy sectors and our nation’s military and healthcare systems. The RULE BOOKS, METHODS and TOOLS are the same- a cookie cutter mold is being used to destroy us from within.
Well, we missed the turtle, I’m not sure if he got to the other side. We absolutely cannot be that turtle, we will lose our country. We’ve got to make it across the road. Read. Study. Research. Share. Our family’s future freedoms depend on us.
Resources for the outline can be found online
The Blaze, Why Is Dr. Ben Carson Urging Americans to Read Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’? May 22, 2014
United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority Staff Report, The Chain of Environmental Command: How a Club of Billionaires and Their Foundations Control the Environmental Movement and Obama's EPA, July 30, 2014, Wilkow: Promise Zones, Climate Hubs and Communism, 2-7-14 (audio)
HSUS 100 Point Change Agenda For Animals, “Animal Protection Liaison in White House – appoint an Animal Protection Liaison in the White House, similar to the new position announced for Carol Browner and/or the Council on Environmental Quality, to help coordinate animal protection concerns (policy issues, legislation, and regulations affecting animals cut across several different agencies – Agriculture, Interior, Commerce, EPA, HHS, State, Transportation, HUD, DOD, FTC, Education, etc.)”
The Fence Post, Mixed Thoughts on Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, Oct 14, 2014
June 16, 2016
Mama Said
Family and friends have heard me regurgitate this message for years. There have been many eye-rolls, lots of squirming and tons of subtle exits when I began my spiels on what appears to me to be a calculated destruction of our economy and food supply. Because I do a lot of ranting (and some public speaking) on this subject I’ve been told that to be effective a one hour, a 30 minute, a five minute and a five second presentation for different audiences would be good to have on hand. My mom traveled to OKC with me last week and once again (had a captive audience) I was rehashing the destructive term “sustainability”. Thanks mom for coming up with my five second speech. “So you’re saying sustainability will break us and all they want is control.” “Yes!” Now, why didn’t I think of that?
Last week’s outline became Lost in Space (my fault) so trying it again. I believe if you will use the images from last week and this outline and keep in mind my mom’s summary of sustainability, the journey we take through the attacks within LAND, WATER, AIR and ANIMALS, everything that’s required to produce food, will make more sense.
These covert, incremental, subtle attacks to bring down the U.S. have been a long time in the making. There are certain RULE BOOKS, METHODS and TOOLS being used to gain control and bring our nation crumbling from within. Here is how I believe they are doing it:
A. Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals
1. Divide and Conquer (Author Saul Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer, now if that’s not a reason fellow Christians to fight this battle I’m not sure what is)
B. Cloward and Piven Strategy
A. Overwhelm/Collapse System
C. Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto 10 Planks
1. Abolition of Private Property
2. Heavy Progressive Income Tax
3. Abolition of all Rights of Inheritance
4. Confiscation of Property
5. Central Bank
6. Government Control of Communication/ Transportation
7. Government Ownership of Factories/ Agriculture
8. Government Control of Labor
9. Corporate Farms- Regional Planning
10. Government Control of Education
A. Public Private Partnerships (see last week’s image)
B. Climate Hubs (manufactured skewed science to fit global warming/climate change agenda, dispensed as “fact” to academia-land grant universities, federally funded USDA programs resulting in massive unattainable regulations upon grassroots) Of the 7 implemented in U.S. Oklahoma is home to the Grazingland Institute located in El Reno
C. Promise Zones (implemented same time as Climate Hubs)
D. Fear, Intimidation, Bribes Producers being stalked, hunted down, fined and Imprisoned; or lured into taking “free” grant monies w/fed strings attached-grassroots level (Bottom Up)
E. Delphied Meetings/Consensus Building Controlled outcomes within organization-association meetings. Appearance of participation by members however outcome of meetings previously decided (Inside Out)
F. Media Feed misinformation to uniformed-Agriculture and Mainstream disseminate false information based on skewed research; Massive “new” USDA programs announced weekly (all with top down federal control strings attached)
G. Academia (disseminating fear/lies of global warming/climate change/sustainability using the skewed Climate Hub bogus science-research which requires social and environmental acceptance by grassroots producer
H. Verbiage Mantra Emotion “Continuous Improvement”, “Best Practices”, “Sustainable-social/environmental acceptance,”
I. Regionalization First step in globalization of the U.S.: Endangered Species Listings overlap Biodiversity Corridor, 7 Climate Hubs, Voting, etc.…all in process of being regionalized.
METHODS (squeeze us out of business)
A. Top Down
1. Board Seat Position within major industries/organizations influencing decision making
B. Bottom Up
1. Grant/Special Free Monies Owner participation in programs with federal strings attached
2. Threats Fear, intimidation, false media coverage, massive fines, imprisonment- even murder (Bundy’s, Hammonds, death of Nevada rancher, LaVoy Finicum); Hage’s, Dollarhites, Sackets, Hadricks, Hudson Farms-the list is endless)
C. Inside Out
1. Infiltration- organizations, associations, foundations. All major Ag groups/media have been infiltrated by those advancing the narrative of “sustainability-social and environmental acceptance” using terms such as “continuous improvement (Russia’s Constitution), “best practices”
Next week extensive resources will be provided so that you may do your own “dot connecting” and make certain what I’m telling you is accurate. Also we will continue with attacks within the LAND sector.
For last week's images visit True Sustainability or use this one
June 23,2016
Assault upon Landowners
Finally we ARE going to finish talking about LAND attacks.
Remember the RULE BOOKS, METHODS and TOOLS radicals and elites are using to control LAND, WATER, AIR and ANIMAL use? Remember PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTERNSHIPS (Joan Veon Youtube video) are one of the TOOLS and are bad news as they are partnerships between federal agencies (PUBLIC) such as the USDA, BLM, DOI, USFWS and many others; and radical- green- environmental- animal rights- tax exempt 501 C 3 status groups (PRIVATE) looking to manipulate and change federal policy which results in overreaching burdensome federal regulations America’s grassroots farmers, ranchers, businesses cannot financially comply with? If you missed this in the earlier articles you can visit where they are archived.
Conservation Easements, we’ve looked extensively into these in the May 19th article. I might add, that federal agencies have been trained for several years now on how to handle landowners when they question these programs. I received an email several years back from an individual whose friend worked within one of the USDA arms pushing for conservation easements, he was told that “they did not want the landowner to understand what was in the documents they were being asked to sign”. This may have been an isolated case, but just remember that if you believe you want to get tangled up in one.
Grazing Rights, In the case of the Bundy’s, Hammond’s, Hage’s and Finicum’s (LeVoy Finicum was the Nevada rancher murdered by the FBI standing up for property-grazing rights in January), these landowners have every right to stand up for what rightfully belongs to them and the grazing rights DO BELONG TO THE LANDOWNER; something you will not hear or read within the mainstream media. On the contrary, the media is painting a negative picture of these ranchers who stood firm for their rights and are feeding it to the public, a public who now believes these ranchers are militants. Angus McIntosh prepared his dissertation on this very issue and covered each and every right that still belongs to the land owner. Remember Angus was the Forest Service Agency employee who had been telling landowners they did not own their grazing rights for years, then began to question what he was doing, questioned his boss who told him, “be quiet and get their signature”…he quit the FSA and went back to college. He now helps ranchers across the Midwest keep their rights.
Endangered Species Act, the expansion of the endangered species act is taking away landowners ability to develop on their own land. This expansion includes plants, animals and insects and early on only consisted of Heritage breeds such as the buffalo and eagle, which indeed needed to be protected. But today thousands of endangered species are on that list. The ESA is another land grab TOOL as it destroys profitability and the landowner’s ability to make decisions conducive to their property. Instead the federal agency has the right to determine what development can occur on the land. Examples: The Valley Hope Forgot (destruction of a community within the bread basket of the world, San Joaquin Valley); The American Burying Beetle which is halting production here in Oklahoma, complete with a credit exchange much like carbon credits…another story for another time.
EAJA, a fee shifting provision abused by green groups and federal agencies. Friend, Karen Budd Falen is the expert on this issue, she uncovered the abuse and recovered thousands of dollars.
WOTUS Waters of the U.S., this EPA tool is being used as a land grab, it will allow the federal government to take control of ALL waters within the U.S. yours, mine, ours….all of us. It has now been contained, but kind of like the Terminator, EPA “will be back”-- like a bad rash
BLM Bureau of Land Management, has become a rogue agency which is now militarized and uses threats and intimidations upon landowners even to the extent of ranchers losing their lives as in the case of LeVoy Finicum. They have been harassing the Hage’s family for over 24 years and just recently defeated this family in a grazing permit case.
National Heritage Areas, listing of Chisholm and Western Trails and many others across the U.S.
Viewsheds-Watersheds, both tools being used to control or even stop production upon land.
For more information, limited links (limited space) are provided below, if you begin searching you will find numerous articles covering each incident. Remember this is only a sampling of what is taking place, there are so many stories of federal government abuse and overreach that it would be impossible to list them all.
Hage Family: Las Vegas Review Journal, Nevada ranching family loses federal lands court case, January 18, 2016
Finicum, Bundy Families: Trent Loos, Rural Route Radio podcast June 17, 2016 (this is a must listen, Trent gets the true story from LeVoy Finicum’s daughter)
Endangered Species Act: Forbes, The Radical Abuse of the ESA Threatens US Economy, Feb 18, 2013
EAJA Equal Access to Justice Act: Budd-Falen Law Offices LLC, EAJA/Attorney Fee Payments, Karen Budd Falen
National Heritage Areas (listing of Chisholm and Western Trails; Pinon Canyon-VIEWSHEDS are a tool used within these programs to limit, control or shut down development on private property): Pueblo Pulp, Preservation vs Property Rights: The debate to make SE Colorado a National Heritage Area, July 20, 2014; Facebook-Chisholm Trail Park Service Comments
As always the Kansas Natural Resource Coalition – is the best source for ALL questions regarding private property rights (make sure you Google coalition NOT council)
Next week more on LAND and an introduction into attacks within the ANIMAL industy.
June 30,2016
Hanging in the Balance
Hanging in the Balance
My dad has always ended his prayers, “life is short and death is certain, to fear God and keep His commandments is the whole duty of man”. This column was hard to even want to write. It was hard to focus on the worries of this world; sustainable development, the triple bottom line, centralized control, things I thought were so important just last week. It just hasn’t seemed very significant in light of losing so many of our community’s good citizens. Spiritual not physical thoughts became my focus, I began wondering if I had been making the best decisions when it comes to using my time. Could I have slowed down, done more for these friends, visited face to face instead of facebooking, served them better while they were still here with us? Balancing and prioritizing the time God has given us is hard to do.
I’ve often questioned myself whether I’m on the right path, am I supposed to be fighting this worldly battle? I’ve missed a lot of family times with those I love, it’s been hard to pick showing up at the battlefield over showing up at the ballfield. I’ve picked the battlefield many times and it hurts. The only condolence I have (and I truly believe it was divine guidance) is that one day several years ago God gave me the green light to continue what I was doing. This is a good time to share that story:
Returning home from another beef industry meeting where I routinely received raised eyebrow glances when I attempted to share my communist/socialist dot connecting, people just thought I was nuts as I drug my big poster board around showing connections from one radical group to another radical group to our ag groups to the United Nations to global elites. I cannot explain this drive, it was just something I couldn’t stop doing, I was witnessing the dismantling of our U.S. food supply first hand and I had to share it with as many people as I could, ridicule and all. I wanted others to see the connections as clearly as I was seeing them, but on many occasions I would call home crying to Brad that people just wouldn’t listen.
One morning after a grueling meeting the day before, I just gave up, I prayed, “Lord please take this stuff or guide me, show me what I’m supposed to do with all of it, I’m tired, I just want to go back to my normal life.” Most mornings I try to get up early, read my Bible and pray, on that morning after that prayer, I opened my Bible to a story I didn’t even know existed; 2 Chronicles 32, the story of the good King of Judah, Hezekiah and the obnoxious threatening Assyrian King Sennachurib. I focused that day only on the first few verses that jumped in my lap: 1. Gather counsel, officers, and advisers (I joined every women’s ag group that I could think of and started networking and getting counsel) 2. Shut the water off (I started a campaign to educate agriculture members on how their dollars were being used against them funding programs that were implementing the triple bottom line of sustainability which was destroying us from within). This is how that scripture spoke to me. I would eventually outline the entire chapter but for many weeks those were the only two things I focused on, gather experts and shut the water off. The next few years He would open door after door putting people in my path who understood the battle, many becoming great friends. He has never stopped guiding me, I just have to listen to Him.
Now I am not sure what you think about divine providence and God’s hand guiding your steps, but I’m convinced. Also I know, without a doubt, He has been the reason America is the greatest nation on earth. I know that America would not hold this title if people had chosen not to take a stand for good and against evil. I pray we can celebrate her independence for another 240 years, but it will take courage, commitment and God’s favor.
In my housewife life I try to follow the Proverb 31:10 woman as an example. Now she’s a hard act to follow, she had her hand in everything- doing it all and finished it! I get exhausted when I read it, but I believe it’s in the Bible for a reason, to set an example for women to follow. My dad’s prayer is right on, we are not promised another minute or day, we do not know how long we have here on this earth. We are like grass, here for a little while then withered and gone; but while we are here, green and alive, we need to do the jobs God has called us to do; in some cases just like the Proverbs 31:10 woman who possessed the ability to balance many of them. I’m convinced that one of those jobs includes defending good and fighting evil. Had those who have gone before us not stood UP and stood FIRM, dictators would now rule the world. I also believe I must continually do good to my fellow man and never forget about them. I’m giving this balancing act to God, He knows I can’t do it alone. And besides, He gives great advice...if I will just listen.
July 28, 2016
Sunlight, a great disinfectant; Warning it may cause nausea
You can’t mix sparks and gas or milk and vinegar. You can’t mix the ever moving target of SUSTAINABILITY and all it encompasses-social justice and environmental equity- with FREEDOM. We cannot allow the 7 Obama-induced Climate Hubs to continue churning out so called “science” based on global warming and climate change, then pump those scientific lies into our universities and feed them as fact to our students; nor can we yoke this production strangling term to America’s food producers through farm programs and expect to keep our freedoms or our country’s food supply. The lying must stop, it stops through education and exposing those who are involved in manufacturing the lies.
The ride so far has been a bumpy one and brought us only in view of attacks upon LAND. These attacks are happening at many levels: (1) Through a plethora of USDA Programs with federal stipulations attached aka as a Federal Nexus – if you take the money you’re tied to the climate change/global warming lie because the programs are now based on SUSTAINABILITY. This stranglehold with the feds- the Federal Nexus- is being accomplished through the lure of grand premiums, and so called free money- remember nothing is free- I think of these programs as the farmer’s “Obama phone. Just a side note, if you are farmer or rancher you have probably taken some form of government payment in the past, today the stakes are different, SUSTAINABILITY requires you to follow the social and environmental stipulations injected into these programs based on the clever set up of the 7 CLIMATE HUBS. Always read the fine print when signing up for one of these new USDA programs. (2) Expansion of Endangered Species Act thousands of new listings of plants, animals and insects have created a development nightmare on public and private lands. These creatures and grasses are now given priority over food development and common sense, there even exists a lucrative credit exchange- like carbon (within Oklahoma-the Burying Beetle). (3) National Heritage Areas listings, another stifling mechanism for development. Colorado friend, Kimmi Lewis ranch widow, cancer survivor, mother of 6 (remember last week’s story of God’s guidance? Well, Kimmi is one of those friends He put in my path) just won her legislative seat this past week! She is also an expert on NHA’s as she has battled for years to keep her ranch from being listed. A NHA listing (remember the Chisholm and Western Trails listings fall under the NHA) usher in financially destructive regulations upon landowners (4) Conservation Easements remember the hidden agenda (control) behind these easements which were covered in attorney, Harriet Hagemen’s presentation in an earlier article, and also the story of Martha Boneta’s fight which resulted in the passage of the Boneta Bill? (5) Landowner’s Grazing Rights are being trampled, property owners harassed even murdered at the hands of rogue federal agencies such as the BLM, a story skewed by the liberal mainstream media intent on withholding the truth in the case of murdered rancher, LaVoy Finicum. Remember Angus McIntosh, the Forest Service Agent turned land rights expert and the truth he is bringing to light on this subject? And last but not least (6) EPA’s box of never ending tricks within all four sectors brought to you by” watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat” Gina McCarthy. We’re moving on. We could languish within LAND attacks for months as story after story of more U.S. farm family’s battles come to light, but to keep from high-centering we’re traveling on to ANIMAL ATTACKS. Just keep in mind the big picture: these players aka “tools” are positioned to advance a communist/socialist movement which is ushering us towards the centralized control of America’s resources.
Let’s recap: LAND, WATER, AIR and ANIMALS are all required to produce food; America’s food producers are being targeted within each area resulting in the destruction of America’s food supply. A great example is The Valley Hope Forgot, the destruction of the bread basket of the world- the San Joaquin Valley. Those wanting control are using verbiage- a word- SUSTAINABILITY to usher in the destruction. Wrapped within this ever moving target are unattainable social and environmental regulations designed to bring financial ruin upon the American farmer/ rancher this is being done within these four sectors.
We are living in a world where very few know where their food comes from. Several decades ago most Americans had a relative who raised food animals, not so today, most believe the grocery store manufacturers it. This leaves the door wide open for extremists to usher in agendas by preying upon public emotions and feeding them…excuse my language- BS. Those wanting to control and destroy America’s food producers/ protein providers work in conjunction with those wanting to destroy America altogether. When you follow the money trail the same players show up at the “land, water, air and animal table”, I might interject here that the same players are showing up at the “education- energy- health care- financials-U.S. cities centralized control tables” as well. When the curtain is pulled the wizard is the same-and that’s a story for another day.
There we made it over that hump. Next week we will look at the Humane Society of the U.S., the World Wildlife Fund connections to your very own beef industry and how they strive to control what protein YOU consume and whether it’s being raised SUSTAINABLY. This will all tie back to the 7 Climate Hubs. Do you realize one of our very own upstanding past state legislators now advances this control agenda within the Climate Hubs? There are more bumps ahead, you may experience curdling or an explosion so pack an extinguisher, Dramamine and a barf bag.
July 28,2016
Sunlight Continued
Note: Missed last week’s column as we were attending the GOP convention in Cleveland where I represented Oklahoma as an alternate delegate. One of the highlights of this trip was having the opportunity to share my concerns about “sustainability” and also a new act Obama (with help from our congress) signed into law this month; the Global Food Security Act, with Trump’s pick for Inspector General, Joseph Schmitz. From the outside this act looks like a great humanitarian effort, but once unpackaged it’s plain to see that it is just another power tool of control. Will fill you in on that discussion next week.
Continued from two weeks ago…
Sunlight, a great disinfectant; Warning exposure may cause nausea
Let’s recap: LAND, WATER, AIR and ANIMALS are all required to produce food; America’s food producers are being targeted within each area resulting in the destruction of America’s food supply. A great example can be found in the documentary, The Valley Hope Forgot, the destruction of the San Joaquin Valley, the bread basket of the world. Those wanting control are using verbiage (a word) SUSTAINABILITY to usher in the destruction. Wrapped within this ever moving target are unattainable social and environmental regulations designed to bring financial ruin upon the American farmer/ rancher, this is being done within the four sectors of the LAND, WATER, AIR and ANIMALS. It has been a bumpy ride looking at the attacks within LAND and now we are moving on…
The number one problem; we are living in a world where very few understand where their food comes from. Problem number two- people cannot not distinguish between food animals and their pet. Problem number three- media and radical extremists have control of the narrative and are able to feed an unknowing/ uneducated public all the lies they deem necessary to complete their control agenda.
Several decades ago most Americans either raised their food or knew a relative who did, not so today, most believe the grocery store manufacturers it. This leaves the door wide open for extremists to usher in “control and destroy” agendas by preying upon public emotion and dispensing excuse my language- BS. Those wanting to control and destroy America’s food producers/ protein providers work in conjunction with those wanting to destroy America altogether. When you follow the money trail the same players show up at the “land, water, air and animal table”, I might interject here that the same evil players are showing up at the “education” “energy” “health care” “financials” “U.S. cities centralized control tables”-in other words the U.N. Agenda 21/ 2030 table- as well. When the curtain is pulled back the wizard is the same-that will be a story for another day.
As we advance through ANIMAL ATTACKS we will be looking at the deception of HSUS-the Humane Society of the U.S., and how WWF- World Wildlife Fund and other powerful radical extremists groups have infiltrated our very own beef and agriculture industry groups striving to control what protein YOU consume and whether it’s being raised SUSTAINABLY. This will all tie back to the 7 Climate Hubs. We will be looking into the fact that individuals using our tax dollars and beef producer’s check off dollar decided early on to not fight but “cash in” on the lie of SUSTAINABILTY …do you realize one of our very own upstanding past state legislators now advances this control agenda within the Climate Hubs? No you can’t mix sparks and gas; vinegar and milk or sustainability and freedom. The ride will continue to be bumpy as more light is shone upon the deception behind agriculture’s green- sustainable agenda, you may experience curdling or an explosion so pack an extinguisher and maybe a barf bag- the facts we’ll be shedding light on will make most Americans sick to their stomachs.
NOTE...I realize the repetition and reiterating but this massive amount of information in bite sized chunks one week at a time I believe bears repeating and refreshing....
August 4, 2016
Some More Sunlight
If you are just now joining us, I am connecting the dots on how this administration, using public private partnerships between radical extremists, animal activists and federal government agencies are unraveling our nation’s ability to produce food. It is taking a while to unravel. We’ve made it to ANIMALS. We’ve covered the covert attacks within the LAND sector: conservation easements, the hundreds of new USDA programs with regulatory strings attached, EPA, BLM, DOI, USFW and other federal agency abuses of private property and grazing rights and the expansion of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to limit and destroy food production by burying producers in unattainable, unaffordable regulations. We’ve touched on the WATER issues mainly Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) which is the EPA’s attempt to take over all waters within the U.S. and we’ve covered a bit on AIR- the Clean Air Act and how they are over regulating in that area as well. LAND, WATER, AIR and now ANIMALS, all components of producing food and all open doors to regulate America out of her food supply by destroying the U.S. producer’s ability to stay in business. And we have not begun to connect the dots of how the attacks within Banking, Health Care and Energy all affect the farmer/rancher/ food producer as well.
The things I have witnessed have occurred over a period of about 10 years. I first began to notice something was not right while serving on the Cattlemen’s Beef Board which is the board that controls the mandatory USDA beef check off dollar. Serving as president of the Oklahoma Cattlewomen’s Association (OCW) two terms allowed the opportunity to serve on the CBB board. My eyes would be opened wide. Also I was an American National Cattlewomen’s Association (ANCW) member and would meet wonderful fellow cattlewomen from across the country who would share many stories of federal abuses.
During this ANIMAL segment I will focus on the beef sector as that is where I first witnessed the infiltration of those ultimately wanting to destroy production agriculture. I would watch Jason Clay from the World Wildlife Fund and several of his cronies inject the SUSTAINABILITY narrative into our beef industry via public speaking opportunities at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association meetings- all with a sense of urgency to become socially and environmentally acceptable to the masses, because the masses were all terribly concerned about “Sustainability” …sarcasm… the masses were concerned about the price of their food. Remember the overlapping three circles I shared in an image in the first few articles: social acceptance, environmental justice and economic viability-the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) in the center the sweet spot the ever moving target of “SUSTAINBILTIY”, the target that was designed to never be hit? That’s what these folks were selling to the unassuming beef producer. And our leaders let these radical extremists in to sell it. We will find out what I believe to be the “why” later.
I will point out that those wanting to destroy production agriculture have used “soft targets” to change policy upon our food animal sector. The pet industry, walking horse industry, carriage horse industry, hunting, rodeos and circuses all have been under attack by the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) and the ASPCA which are tied to the World Wildlife Fund. HSUS has been under investigation within our state and nationally this past year. They have used these avenues to bring in regulations that will ultimately make producing food animals impossible. That is their ultimate goal.
I’m going to stop here, but will leave you with some areas we will being looking at as we cover the ANIMAL segment of attacks; the Global Animal Partnership Program (GAP) which is tied to HSUS, WWF and Whole Foods and the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) also tied to the World Wildlife Fund. I will share how the WWF used the Freedom to Operate Committee to unveil their partnership with the NCBA, how WWF uses religion as an avenue to change production processes. It will be complex and eye opening to see the connections and how these folks have worked their way into every beef producer’s life affecting the way they will ultimately raise their animals. Remember I’m focusing on the beef sector, this fungus has already attacked the poultry and pork industries with regulations that eliminated many grassroots swine and chicken producers over the years and changed the production processes and practices of many large producers forcing them to shut down their food production businesses because of new regulations, mainly in California.
A little more disinfecting, leaving the door open so the sun can shine in…until next week.
August 18, 2016
The Global Animal Partnership Program; Facts to Consider
We are going to delve deeper into GAP, the Global Animal Partnership 5-Step animal welfare program, a program which offers lucrative premiums for food animal producer participation. Remember “they” (I mentioned last week that we will be taking a close look at who the “theys” are later on) want control of all American resources; energy, banking, healthcare, education and our food supply. We have looked at what it takes to produce food: air, land, water and animals. We know that each one of these areas is being over-regulated in efforts to destroy profitability thus putting American producers of goods (I am focusing on our food producers-beef specifically) out of business. “They” want our private property rights, choices and freedoms stripped. We know “they” use the TOOL of PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS and the METHOD of TOP DOWN, BOTTOM UP, INSIDE to infiltrate organizations, foundations and associations. The GAP program is a TOOL being used to incrementally strip our ability to produce animal protein- the meat we eat. We will look at who is behind this animal welfare program, why they are behind it, when it began and where it is being peddled.
First some HSUS history. This is taken from an article entitled HSUS is Against All Animal Farmers—Big and Small by watchdog group,, who exposes HSUS for its real motives:
HSUS has a revamped (they have tried many times over the years to appear non-threatening) campaign pretending that it is an advocate for small farmers. This is nothing more than the “divide and conquer” strategy that dates back to Roman times. HSUS is a vegan organization that has a PETA-like agenda. And just like PETA, it does not support any agriculture that uses animals.
Consider these facts:
Fact: HSUS’s Food Policy Director Matt Prescott, a former PETA activist, created a national campaign comparing farms to Nazi concentration camps. He has also written, “There’s never an excuse to kill and eat an animal.”
Fact: HSUS’s past farm-animal vice president Miyun Park told an animal rights conference, “We don’t want any of these animals to be raised and killed [for food]….And so because of that, a number of organizations including the Humane Society of the United States, we work on promoting veganism.”
Fact: HSUS’s current farm-animal vice president Paul Shapiro has said, “Eating meat causes animal cruelty” and “The meat industry equals systematic murder.”
Fact: After Wayne Pacelle, a strict vegan, became president of HSUS, he declared a new food policy making all HSUS events vegan—no meat or dairy or eggs, no matter how they are produced.
Fact: Wayne Pacelle has written that eating meat is “speciesist”—meaning animals are discriminated against, similar to racism or sexism.
Fact: HSUS has been secretly investing money in start-ups such as “Beyond Meat” and “Beyond Eggs”—businesses that hope to replace meat and egg products entirely.
Fact: Wayne Pacelle has said that PETA has “visionary and professional leadership. There’s no doubt they’re creative and courageous.” He also said, “PETA has really done so much in a short time to…promote animal rights.”
Fact: John “J.P.” Goodwin, an HSUS director of animal cruelty, has said, “My goal is the abolition of all animal agriculture.” Goodwin is a former spokesperson for the terrorist Animal Liberation Front.
The bottom line: HSUS is run by strict vegans who are only using smaller, organic farmers as a prop. These vegans are smart enough to know that 99% of the public eats animal products. So they provide lip service to small farmers for political and public-relations reasons to cloak their agenda.
Miyun Park is a former Vice President for Farm Animal Welfare at HSUS and former president of the vegan activist group Compassion Over Killing. She is now the Executive Director of Global Animal Partnership. In 1998, The Washington Post reported that Park was then a production coordinator for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and that she had previously worked at PETA. She has been quoted saying she wants NO animals slaughtered. She also co-authored the book Gristle with MOBY which was an attempt to destroy the meat industry with misinformation about how beef, pork and chicken are raised and slaughtered.
Reading from their web page you would believe the GAP program to be an honest attempt to better animal welfare; they want what we want, the best care possible for food animals. The first few steps that must be followed if a producers decides to sign on the dotted line to participate to play their game seem pretty normal, but the requests get weirder as they progress. A producer also gives access to ‘Third Party Auditors” (individuals from the outside) to enter their premises to make certain they are playing correctly.
So what could possibly go wrong by signing up to participate in this program? We’ll add some more facts next week to answer that question.
August 25, 2016
Globalism vs Americanism the threat to National Security:
How radical extremists control America’s food supply
We are looking at the ANIMAL SECTOR of our food supply system (air, land, water and animals are all needed to create food) and unraveling how global elites are working to destroy America’s exceptionalism- her resources, her finances, her food supply (Americanism) and how those wanting global control (Globalism) are working to destroy her ability to remain great, remain exceptional, remain feeding her people and the world.
Global trade is good. Globalism is not, it is a threat to our national security. Quite capably less than 2 percent of America’s food and fiber producers for centuries have produced abundantly without interference transferring those goods across the world. That capability is being destroyed intentionally from within, many of our own agriculture groups and associations have tried to obey the globalist’s rules to fit the false model of “sustainability” (unattainable social and environmental regulations) based on misinformation using the mantra of climate change. America produced “The Bread Basket of the World; the San Joaquin Valley”, if you have yet to watch the YouTube video “The Valley Hope Forgot”, which shares an example of its destruction, I would urge you to do so now.
The Global Animal Partnership (GAP) 5 Step animal welfare program is one of the tools being used to gain control. Animal welfare, sounds great, as producers we are all about the welfare of our animals, we would not be in business if we chose to neglect them. However, this 5 step program is being utilized to ultimately CONTROL how we care for our private property- our animals. By nudging us towards a system that requires we produce our animals or raise our private property, the way they see fit, they gain control. Ultimately they want to destroy the capability to produce animal protein-abolish it all together.
There are several players in this grand scheme; the Humane Society of the U. S (HSUS), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and several others with a number of acronym aliases. These groups work alongside those advancing the grander plan of Globalism to advance CONTROL. Watch to see how these groups are using public private partnerships to advance this control.
Remember the METHODS, TACTICS, and TOOLS being used to gain control? I shared this image early on, it can still be found along with numerous resources on my blog, Remember the top down, bottom up, inside out METHOD? Top Down “they” position themselves on board seats within corporate businesses; Inside Out “they” infiltrate trusted organizations, foundations and associations and Bottom Up “they” lure producers from their own ranches and farms into programs that either entangle them federally by offering “free money” or “premiums” to produce by “their” rules (we will look closer at just who “they” are in the future). This METHOD produces a precedence. If their rules become the norm- procedures everyone must follow by changing policy and regulations, they win and we lose---OUR NATION. It is within the Bottom Up METHOD that the GAP program comes in to play. Lucrative premiums are the beef producer’s carrot-if the producer will play by their rules they get the carrot. I will soon share how “they” entered our ranch offering a carrot.
Globalism vs Americanism. I might add that during the GOP convention Trump addressed this great threat to our nation. He understands the dangers America is facing by losing her exceptionalism, he understands business, our devastating debt (nearing 20 trillion) and what it takes to create jobs. He will work to stop Globalism and Make America Great Again by restoring Americanism. This is why the “establishment” does not work well with him; they have already played into the globalism game for instance by advancing the TPP (Transpacific Partnership) a frightening “global” trade agreement. The American Farm Bureau and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, two great ag organizations have been infiltrated; AFB has advanced a climate change agenda by partnering with groups such as the Asia Society and the Longview Foundation on a global farm game; the NCBA by partnering with the World Wildlife Fund and pushing the American beef producer into the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef- a nest of self-serving packers, associations and radical environmentalists advancing the notion of sustainability. This union is a perfect global example of a Public Private Partnership; the USDA (public) using our own funds via the beef checkoff dollar and the union of the others mentioned (private) forming a partnership to change policy and regulations upon the American producer. Like Brad says, “we have a product the world wants why allow someone else to regulate it and market it?” INSIDIOUS
We CANNOT allow globalism to win this battle upon our resources…especially our food supply. We MUST understand their METHODS, TOOLS and TACTICS. We must identify and educate the “useful-necessary” idiots, a term supposedly coined by Lenin used to describe the people he manipulated to accomplish his agenda of control. Many of our trusted agriculture organizations and media are wearing Lenin’s title proudly, perhaps unaware that they are on the wrong team.
We are headed down the wrong path, we must STOP 180 and return to Americanism; the Globalism path ends with a loss of choices, decision making, private property rights and freedom
September 1, 2016
America the Land of Plenty...taken for granted
September 15,2016
Starve the Swarms
“He has erected a multitude of new Offices and sent hither swarms of new Officers to harass our people, and eat out our substance. “
Recognize this? It’s one of the “he hases” listed in our Declaration of Independence that point out the king’s tyrannical agenda- the reason our forefathers left England. The above sentence is synonymous with “sustainability”. We now know that “sustainability” has only been code for “a swarm of new Offices and Officers sent hither to destroy producers with social and environmental regulations”.
Does America know that nearly half a million of her food producers have recently called it quits? Do they know that USDA opened her borders to foreign meat markets this past month specifically Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia and Africa and began mingling their product with her best...OUR beef! Bingo, we can identify one of the substance eating Offices- the USDA.
More of those Offices and Officers can be found within Public Private Partnerships. Public being government organizations such as USDA, BLM, DOI, HUD plus a host of others; Private being the plethora of radical 501 C-3 Non-Government Organization or NGO’s which consist of environmental /animal activists groups like the Sierra Club, Humane Society of the U.S., The Nature Conservancy, Center for Biological Diversity and the World Wildlife Fund to name a few. These unions latch onto and infiltrate groups and organizations and begin systematically and incrementally changing policy.
Trusted farm and ranch organizations, foundations and associations along with ag media have been infiltrated by the likes of the Asia Society, Longview Foundation, Keystone Initiative, WWF, TNC, Sierra Club and many, many others all advancing a global warming/climate change, sustainability agenda. Do we see a pattern here? Swarms of substance eating Offices and Officers?
How will America continue to feed herself and the world? It’s up to the “common producer” the farmer/rancher who has fed America for centuries to stand up and say “NO!” NO, we will no longer allow our membership dues nor our check-off dollar to be used to advance our demise. NO, we will not subscribe to your magazines or newspapers or sign up for any government program that conspires to “eat out our substance.”
Self-destruction must be replaced with constitutional knowledge and some unified fortitude/gumption to stop it. In other words “shut the water off” Here’s a short list of groups and media that promote Americanism not Globalism: The Kansas Natural Resource Coalition, Coalition for a Prosperous America, The Cavalry Group, R-Calf (a true producer driven organization) The Western Ag Reporter, Livestock Market Digest newspapers and The Range Magazines and The Range Magazine. I will share more as space allows. Until next week…
September 22,2016
“Failing to understand the ideology behind SUSTAINABILITY, is like trying to put a puzzle together without the lid---there is no big picture. They may like the piece they are holding a lot but it is useless if they don’t understand where it fits.”
Amy Fox shared this thought with me Saturday on the phone. Amy lives in Kansas City, understands the urban battle the United Nation’s Agenda 21/2030 Sustainable Development plan wages against America. I have not met her personally, but we bonded several years ago on Facebook because we spoke the same language: Sustainability. Her life is spent educating on hidden power plans within grants, smart meters, HUD, zoning and a host of other programs designed to control the urban masses.
She called to pick my brain on rural issues as she had been invited to speak at a Farm Bureau meeting in Missouri. I told her that was the best news I’d heard in long time, we are beginning to see eyes open. As Brad put it, “our congregation is growing.”
For nearly an hour I shared a firsthand account of the UN AG 21 infiltration into our beef industry explaining how a communist method – “top down, bottom up, inside out” had allowed positions of a tyrannical type power to manifest; colluding by the world’s four major meat packers, the formation of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef and an HSUS affiliated program known as Global Animal Partnership 5-Step Animal Welfare, also that many leaders were involved in advancing this “U.S. food producer destroying” sustainable model.
“Oh my gosh” was exclaimed frequently on the other end.
We talked about the consolidation of agriculture media, the fact that one company now owns many publications allowing the destructive, regulatory- packed, social/ environmental/sustainable message to roll into the laps of readers across the world.
Many leaders are holding on to their special puzzle piece unwilling to view the big ugly Agenda 21…now 2030 picture or see that it fits perfectly in the destruction of America’s sovereignty. It’s past time to find those who will.
September 29, 2016
Treasure Truth and Traditions
October 27,2016
Futility Defined
November 24, 2016
Ode to the U.S. Cattle Industry
It could be titled “Death by a Thousand Cuts” or “Cripple and Take Control”, take your pick.
We know “The Force” behind vertical integration of our beef industry is calculated, incremental and controlled by some very malicious groups and individuals of the George Soros kind,. If we don’t stop it, the oldest “legal” occupation will be captured, contained and placed in a top down control box right along with the pork and poultry industries.
Public Private Partnerships have created this power web. Mega rich global corporations joined forces with radical environmentalists and infiltrated our agriculture organizations, associations, and foundations and set the process of implementing strangle hold policies upon the U.S. food producer, in this case the American cattlemen. We’ve overslept, it’s time everyone woke up.
Here’s the story in a nutshell: USDA’s Vilsack recently opened U.S. borders to foreign beef imports by repealing Country of Origin Labeling aka COOL (with support and praises from some of our trusted ag groups which has everyone baffled, until one realizes these once great groups have been infiltrated by the Soros kind.). This foreign beef is now being labeled as “product of the U.S.” and sold as such with catastrophic results for the American beef producer.
The American beef producer is now being ushered into a “sustainability plan”…remember it, regulations within air, land, water and animals to meet the standards of those who want to destroy us? It comes complete with third party auditors and mandatory RFID tags to monitor the beef producer’s “sustainability” methods…which in all reality can never be measured. In actuality it is extortion to control America’s food supply by a few elites- of the Soros kind.
I’m ecstatic Trump won, he can stop the regulations, but what he might not be able to stop is the destruction and trajectory of “The Force” created through Public Private Partnerships. Stopping it will be up to the working cattleman. Stop feeding the beasts that aid in consuming his profits.
Cattlemen are gathering around R Calf USA for facts and help. I recommend joining them.
November 28,2016
Propaganda Works...“Warning, We Can’t Feed 9 Billion People By 2050!”
How do you frighten the masses into following orders? Propagate propaganda using useful idiots. This technique initiated by communist leaders Lenin and Stalin employs people who will blindly follow orders without checking the facts.
This fear statement spews control, comes straight from dastardly dude, George Soros’ playbook (the guy behind Black Lives Matter and whose U.S. destruction tentacles reach far and wide via NGO’s, non-government organizations). This lie is being disseminated into education curriculum, agriculture and mainstream media and agriculture organizations, associations and foundations.
Several weeks ago I attended a board meeting and listened to a young adult spread this falsehood as they solicited money from our group for our state’s livestock expo. Extra money was needed to help participants pay the cost of mandatory RFID tags for the barrow show. “We must feed 9 billion by 2050” and something about the current state of technology saving our food supply, a line I’ve heard, read and identified as propaganda many, many times. But my jaw still dropped when this “professional” individual exclaimed this misinformation in their opening statement.
I questioned them on why RFID tags were needed if the barrow show was a terminal show. I questioned the ramifications to owners if disease was found in an animal. I questioned if this was law. I questioned who manufactured the tags. I found out that it was not a law, but a rule…a rule that might have grave consequences to individuals. I found out the manufacturers of the tags were also charter members of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef which is pushing for mandatory sustainability-traceability within the beef sector. Connecting the dots yet?
The U.S. farmers have fed the world for decades supported by capitalism, not control. Today these food suppliers are being destroyed from within by regulatory overload and false propaganda.
We must stop blindly jumping through hoops designed by Soros to destroy private property rights. Put our thinking caps on and ask questions. Make sure you’re rooting for the right team.
December 1, 2016
Warning, we can't feed 9 billion by 2050!
December 5,2016
Oh the tangled web we weave
Truth, where do we find it? Mainstream media? Daily newspaper? “Trusted” agriculture medium? How about our “trusted” agriculture organizations, associations or foundations?
In 2012 Ag media giant, Fairfax, was purchased by Penton. In 2016 Penton was purchased by Informa. Within four years most agriculture media came under the control of Informa. Should we pay attention to their messages? You bet. Are they filled with “the sky is falling climate change is destroying the earth it’s going to burn or freeze we can’t feed 9 billion people by 2050 so must manage your private property by requiring social and environmental CONTROL of YOU the U.S. food producer, manufacturer, energy provider”? If so throw it in the trash, cease your subscription, find a publication free from this manufactured misinformation aka propaganda. Same goes for Ag organization memberships.
Don’t forget to check your child’s text books, this propaganda is being dispensed at your local school as well. College students beware, you’re a target too.
True, Trump will begin to blow torch the regulatory snowball, but it will take time to melt away the regulations implemented over the past eight years, they’re packed in tight, made certain by the early blitz by unelected bureaucrats funded by green radicals using public private partnerships.
Truth and facts stripped of climate change control bias, brought to you by George Soros and minions, will have to be mined. Most of these entities and news outlets have been infiltrated, hijacked and are now the mouthpiece for this grand global scheme to destroy America’s resource providers, some unwittingly, but of course that’s how Communism works, remember “useful idiots”?
Walter Scott got it right, but the Bible beat him to the punch. “The simple inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.” Proverbs 14:18, in other words, don’t be deceived
Defying deception and traversing truth won’t be easy. I’ll help you, here’s a short list of truth sources:
C- Fact, Western Ag Journal, Kansas Natural Resource Coalition, Colorado Independent Cattlemen’s Association, R- Calf USA, author radio host Trent Loos.
December 22, 2016
Daily Blessings/b>
“Life is a journey not a destination” Ralph Waldo Emerson. This week my article has nothing to do with big bad green boogey men but rather time and the wasting of it.
How’s your journey going here on earth? Does your “merry heart doeth good like medicine’ or do people want to give you an extra dose to keep you quiet? Do you hit the ground complaining each morning or do you praise God you have feet to put your shoes on and shoes to put on those feet.
Deciding how we live each moment (we are all allotted the same amount of time) can make us or break us… and others including family and friends.
The Bible is full of good stewardship suggestions: jobs, health, wealth, mind, marriages, parenting, and actions towards others. Take our jobs, we’re told to consider the ant and git r done; our health, we’re told to treat our body good, it’s the temple of God; our mind, keep our thoughts pure; our spouses, treat them with respect and like we want to be treated; our kids, discipline them love them, so others won’t have to and will; others, put them first. It’s laid out pretty plain and simple, all we have to do is follow the map. Our journey will be way more productive, no promise of fewer bumps, but we can equip ourselves with great shock absorbers.
Our journey on this earth will end, nobody gets to stick around indefinitely. The path we choose concerning the little things; the little bit of extra time we spent helping a child, an elderly person, listening to a friend, sharing the Bible, taking a meal, a hospital visit the little things list is endless, every decision about these little moments will count.
An old Chinese proverb goes like this, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Enough said… Happy travels.
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