Friday, December 24, 2010

Glorious Christmas Chaos

"Apunzel" Escorted by her Grandfather Ralph to Michael Martin Murphy's Christmas Ball

Oh What Fun It Is To...

Perform 8 hours of holiday house cleaning THEN watch it "kid"destruct in 7 minutes

Watch 9 little faces, mouths watering, wait patiently for "Grandma's Crepes"

Clean up spilled milk, mac and cheese, juice, puppy chow (human and puppy), and Grog

Find an appropriate "potato replacement" for the potato guns Santa dropped off ---w/0 the potatoes. FYI according to five year old boys an onion, an apple or hard provolone works just


Forgo sitting down, visiting with adults, eating at the table, or participating in the adult gift exchange in order to protect my home from the "In-House 9 Demolition Crew"

Forgo sitting down, visiting with adults, eating at the table, or participating in the adult gift exchange in order to savor the antics (good and bad) of the same 9

Savor the flavor of each person's food speciality: Stromboli, Maryland Cream of Crab Soup, Cinnamon Rolls, Russian Tea Cakes, Spiced Tea, Cranberry Gorgonzola Cheese Balls and Grog

Suppress the guilt of consuming it all

Kick yourself when your jeans leave "2 hour button indention's" in your belly

Give rather than receive

Wake up next to a warm little body snuggling next to you

Wake up next to a warm, MOIST little body snuggling next to you

Return the little body to the rightful parents

Question the sanity of your husband-"Every five year old boy needs a pocket knife"

Question my own sanity: PERIOD

Receive...rather than give...just sometimes...especially when the receiving includes homemade Fire Roasted Green Tomato Relish and Cranberry Almond Biscotti and...Grog

Witness the effort put forth by two 4-year old princesses in an attempt to brush their patient aunt's hair to the length of "Apunzel's" (Rapunzel's). After an hour long brushing the exasperating conclusion by one---"You tan dust be Apunzel's mother, otay?"

Watch, listen, soak in, savor, absorb, inhale, video tape, capture in pictures this brief, precious moment in time.

For My Crazy, Chaotic, Glorious Christmas Blessings...and Grog

I Say Thank You Lord!


8 cups cranberry juice

2 cups golden raisins

1/2 cup sugar

4 cinnamon sticks

8 cardamon

12 cloves

This recipe did call for 4 cups of ruby port. It's great without it. Simmer for 15 minutes, strain spices, serve and enjoy!

An Adventure?

I love to stuff, my money, experiences, my faith and love of God and much much more. I don't mind opening up my home, my lif...