Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Busy Battling Bullies and Brainwashing

I’m not lazy just busy, finding time to write is hard.  Besides loving on family, ranching, church and civic activities we’ve spent time traveling to support fellow cattle producers and collect more education on issues facing our industry. We’re also working on the Oklahoma Independent Stockgrower’s Association kickoff meeting October 28, 2017 6 pm at the Chain Ranch.
Here are several things I’ve recently learned:
 R CALF USA-the NCBA’s arch nemesis is growing rapidly. Their annual convention in Rapid City, SD was packed with educational speakers, including Tomi Lahren renowned conservative political commentator whose family ranches in the Rapid City area, addressing real issues American cattlemen face.  There were NO top down messages from globally invested individuals, academia, multimillion dollar research foundation recipients unusually motivated on keeping the “SUSTAINABLE GIG” going- nor fake Ag media pushing a global “sustainable” control agenda. RCALF members address real problems they face, research then search for solutions. Independent state cattlemen’s groups are among the convention goers and these associations are growing with Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Texas-others I’m sure-and now Oklahoma finding it necessary to form their own grassroots groups to save their voice and freedoms.  They strive to find solutions to slow down the incremental destructive policies NCBA is advancing on behalf of multinational meat packers found within the illegal global beef trust known as the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef.  Raising awareness that state cattlemen’s associations are advancing global regulations within the U.S. through the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef is a priority. It’s exciting to see these cattlemen and other stock growers organize and stand up for their freedom.
We also witnessed Kansas State University host the “Jason Clay World Wildlife Fund Brainwashing” for college freshman- complete with credit for attendance.  RCALF was there to cover the event live and counter lies being dispelled.  Remember WWF is behind the GRSB and USRSB which quietly unfolds UN policy upon our ranches with the intent to control what type of animal and how we produce it all to fit their guidelines. Clay wants to remove the bottom 25% of us beef producers. The cattle industry is Oklahoma’s largest Ag enterprise according to Oklahoma Department of Ag. Bankers, sale barn owners, g related businesses- rural schools and hospitals what will you do without the beef producer?  See a need to stay informed? 

An Adventure?

I love to share...my stuff, my money, experiences, my faith and love of God and much much more. I don't mind opening up my home, my lif...