Sunday, January 16, 2011

Waiting For A Leader-Unite or Be Destroyed

I’m Waiting For A Leader.

For the past two years I’ve been hounding. I’ve yapped and yakked and pleaded and prodded. I’ve created and crafted--- a website, blog, and facebook page. I’ve joined and paid--- NCBA, ANCW, AAA, NBSB, NRA, USFRA, OFB, all with hopes of eliminating this plague called HSUS. A plague that as one professional put it “is light years ahead in destroying our animal ag industries.”

I’m disillusioned as I witness state universities "supporting the supporters" of HSUS. I’m disgusted as I watch ranchers “playing the animal activists game” using taxpayer's dollars to house wild mustangs. I’m dumbfounded as I witness animal ag industries cannibalize themselves and each other and hear educated producers blurt uneducated statements, “Who is HSUS?”

HSUS is united-were fractured. They’re one-we’re fractioned. They’re balanced-we’re straddling. They’re winning-we’re losing.

If you’re an animal ag producer you can’t have it both ways. There’s no sleeping with this enemy. A Leader MUST emerge---Corn Growers, Summit of the Horse, NCBA--- “Someone MUST take the lead and organize our ag related groups into ONE. ONE for Posterity.


  1. Well said. This is and will be a long and ongoing battle.

  2. Good post. Farmers and ranchers are going to have to realize that advocating for agriculture is just as important as feeding their cattle or plowing field. It is going to HAVE to become apart of their to do list if we want to see any changes.


An Adventure?

I love to stuff, my money, experiences, my faith and love of God and much much more. I don't mind opening up my home, my lif...