Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Order My Steps

Feverishly fighting and educating my fellow producers about the evil encroaching upon their livelihoods has pretty much exhausted me. I have always been a step behind.  Or several decades it seems because this global consortium has been here for years embedding itself within our federal agencies- I found out just how long and how deep a few weeks ago when we encountered an "environmental mitigation" condemnation from ODOT. With a bit of research I realized that the same World Wildlife Fund orchestrating the production of my cattle via the GRSB and USRSB had also been orchestrating the wetland scheme for several decades upon American soil. The Wildlife Society who nudged this along is kissing cousins to the WWF who has been requiring our herd sustainability since 2010.  Jason Clay entered the scene at the NCBA Summer Conference in Denver that year and told the audience full of cattlemen we were not sustainable. I'm tired of thinking about that day and the years that would follow as I tried to stop leaders from partnering with this guy.

I'm tired of trying to fight the bad guy. Just when I thought I had them all all figured out this behemoth grew larger. The evil I watched enter our farms and ranches grew like a cancer.  I witnessed our federal government implement Soros' global control plans. I watched just how these global elites use public private partnerships to get their infiltrating done.  I watched WWF infiltrate our once trusted ag organizations, foundations, associations and ag media and begin partnering and advancing a carefully designed control scheme based on global warming, climate change and sustainability.

Watching our checkoff dollars being used against us has taken a toll. Witnessing the largest oldest contractor of those dollars, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, force our partnership with the World Wildlife Fund then push us to the table with the cartel who orchestrated the Global and U.S. Roundtables for Sustainable Development Beef has been spectacular to watch.  And not in a good way, but in the way I watched the twin towers fall.  It was agonizing to watch leadership begin aiding and abetting this monopolistic global beef trust. This cartel now controls not only our markets but the "sustainable"production standards we must follow if we want to sell our product: cattle.

I am tired of opening the mail and being told how to manage the water, air, land and animals upon my ranch.  I am tired of watching helplessly as all sectors of the U.S. cattle industry slip away while leaders who live off our funds use those funds against us.

I'm tired of writing resolutions that go nowhere. Tired of reading sustainable propaganda published by employees who take funds from my fellow cattlemen.

 I'm confused about the  book I've endeavored to write so that I can share and educate fellow producers. I have a great intro but the chapters keep multiplying because the hydra grows another head.

Mostly I'm tired of yakking about it. And you're sick of listening to me. By now you know the plan.  Your eyes are opened to those advancing the global sustainable scam.

I believe the Lord has guided me during this time. I remember coming home from an Oklahoma Beef Council meeting where each time I would try to tell my story but was put on "other business".  This particular morning after returning the day before from the four hour trip to and from OKC I was so discouraged that I asked the Lord to either take away what I was understanding or guide me to use what I knew.  I opened my Bible that morning to II Chronicles and a story unfolded that I had never read. The scriptures jumped off the page and I wrote God's message down that morning. I will share it in a later post.   He began ordering my steps and I listened. That day I shook the dust off and moved on. And since then he has placed wonderful fellow cattle producers in my path and He continues  bringing together more and more of us who are witnessing the infiltration of this evil.

When I started the sustainable book (the intro is in September's blog)  I had also started a book for my grandkids, one about being good stewards of everything.  I put that one on the shelf.  I recognize now I had my priorities mixed up. God's word should have taken a front seat. I'm going to begin sharing that with you soon.  I will continue to work on my sustainable book because I truly believe He has placed me here for such a time as this.  But I also believe he wants me to share more of His word.
No time to waste.

Two comforting verses to me are  Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."  We all want the best for our kids and grandkids. We teach them, dress them take them to church, drill them and dunk them.  Then they leave.  We lose control.  They are in God's hands. Their decisions are no longer our decisions.
But we have a promise. Though they fall, they shall not be utterly cast down for the Lord upholdeth them with his hand. Psalms 37:24
They know the way.  We pray knowing He hears.  

FYI...I hate over using "I" but it  appears I have in this post!  Excuse me and "you" have a good week! 

1 comment:

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