Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Naked and Hungry

AG PRODUCERS...Check out HSUS' 100 point Change AGENDA FOR ANIMALS. It includes a White House Animal Protection Liaison appointee (such as Carol link below) and also within their site--our President promoting their agenda. Couple this with more White House Socialist minded czar appointees, and the handwriting's not too hard to read. I urge all of you to join Barbara Jacques and I in boycotting ABC CBS NBC CNN (they've been banned from my home for the past year) These news outlets have been relentless in portraying ag producers in a very negative light. No one else will fight this battle for us. It's up to us to let citizens know that...COLD, NAKED and HUNGRY is what WE ALL WILL BE without AG. I say WILL because these liberal efforts at AG destruction so far is succeeding; for instance the success of HSUS in banning horse slaughter or HR 503/s.727. For those of you that don't know, this has devastated not only the horse industry as a whole but the poor horses as well; there is now no market for old horses so many are left starving along roadsides, in peoples pastures without water, etc because of the owner's inability to feed them. For non producers information; the HSUS is the Humane Society of the United States. You see their ads asking for 19.00 to save an abused animal. This is not your local pet shelter. A good portion of that money goes to legislate ag producers out of business. Their main objective is to put an end to Animal Agriculture.
Please Pass This On and Please read the article on Carol gives you a glimpse of the ideology guiding this administration.

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