Saturday, June 4, 2011

Back From Sabbatical!

Sorry for the Two Month Absence.
 My Excuse for  Paltry Postings?
A Whirlwind Ride on a Human Hamster Wheel!

Stock Shows

 Wheat and Canola Harvest



Tornado Escapes


Two D.C. Visits
The first trip was with a group called "The Ranchers", we spoke with congressmen, senators and representatives urging them to keep our Ag Industry at the top of their agendas. The next trip was to attend the Animal Agriculture Alliance Summit where those attending gathered a ton of knowledge from many great speakers on how to secure Ag's future

Soccer Games
Family Gatherings

My Dad's Induction Into The Hall of Great Westerners
(which was much like preparing for a wedding!)

I Just Haven't Had Time!

I will try to do better.


An Adventure?

I love to stuff, my money, experiences, my faith and love of God and much much more. I don't mind opening up my home, my lif...